The Gay Mafia scored another victory this week against those dastardly, evil religious types who think religious liberty is sacred. Under duress from screeching liberals, Georgia Governor Nathan Deal (R) vetoed HB 757—which had clear anti-discriminatory language already inherent in the bill.

The bill can be summarized very simply.
The first part of Georgia HB 757 protected ministers, priests, or other religious organizations from being forced under penalty of lawsuit to perform marriage ceremonies which violate tenets of their faith.
Second, the bill protected faith-based organizations from being forced to hire or retain an employee who violated the faith-based organization’s faith tenets.
Finally, the bill protected churches from being forced to host any wedding ceremony that violated the tenets of their faith.
(Read the bill in full at:
Doesn’t HB 757 just sound totally discriminatory and awful?!
The answer, of course, is no—but leftists of all stripes never stop trying to shove their agendas down everyone’s throats, channel their inner toddlers, and stomp their feet until they get their way.
We are one baby step away from pastors and priests being subject to prosecution for “hate crimes” simply by expressing from the pulpit their opposition to gay marriage.
Not content to remain neutral, progressive companies and organizations (including Coca-Cola, the NFL, Amblin, Dow Chemical, the NCAA, Time Warner, Disney, and tons of super-important actors and singers) all threatened to boycott the entire state of Georgia and refuse to do any business in the state unless the LGBT lobby got its way and the bill was vetoed. Gov. Deal, fearing an economic shutdown of much of Georgia, complied.

In a remarkable twist of irony, the very same day Gov. Deal caved to the Gay Mafia and its Enforcers, the leaders of the Muslim paradise of Saudi Arabia announced that they were considering ACTUAL execution for any gay person seen “acting gay”—showing affectations of homosexuality, flying rainbow flags, being affectionate with a same-sex partner, presenting as transgender, or participating in a same-sex sexual or romantic relationship.

This irony is especially delicious because “progressive” organizations which felt so offended by Christian ministers being protected from lawsuits by litigious homosexuals remained blithely silent about Saudi Arabia’s continued descent into Sharia Law Hell.
Coca-Cola, Apple, and other companies are among the hypocrites who threatened to leave the state of Georgia permanently if Gov. Deal did not veto HB 757—yet these same companies willingly do business in Saudi Arabia.
You would think good, progressive companies like Apple or Coca-Cola would surely pack their bags and get out of Dodge—but they say nothing. And let’s be honest. Most progressive organizations, not to mention leftists everywhere, are appallingly silent when it comes to atrocities perpetrated on humanity–not just the LGBTs of the world—by Muslim regimes and radical Muslims.

Progressive companies seemingly are also far more worried about the prospect of Donald Trump becoming the GOP Presidential nominee than they are about the treatment of gays in Saudi Arabia. Why else would the very same companies who remain silent about Saudi Arabia and threatened to boycott Georgia also respond to the calls by leftwing organizations to boycott the GOP convention in July?
Yes, Donald Trump’s promise to build a border wall, thoroughly demolish radical Islam, enforce immigration laws, and use some blunt, coarse language is by far worse than the treatment gays, women, and religious minorities receive under Sharia Law in Saudi Arabia!
As always, liberals’ righteous indignation is directed at Christians who have good-faith objections to LGBT lifestyles instead of seventh-century Muslim psychotics who are ACTUALLY executing gay people. Their continued and organized whitewashing of the “Islam Problem” in favor of justifying Muslim culture is baffling and frightening.

I sure hope Coca-Cola, Apple, and other insufferably hypocritical companies remind their gay business associates in Saudi Arabia to not act too “gay”—or it’ll be off with their heads–literally. And in the meantime, let’s go sue some ministers in Georgia!