Hunter Biden’s Laptop from Hell is Manna from Heaven

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You can tell a lot about a person if you go through his computer.

You can tell even more about a person if you go through his deleted or hidden folders.

But when you REALLY learn about a person is when they leave their laptops at a Delaware Mac computer repair store and then don’t pick them up. THEN they become the property of the store owner who opens them up, looks inside, and then has to call the FBI.

The Hunter Biden laptop scandal is about two weeks old, and the majority of the media have yet to report any of it. In fact, they’re just taking Joe Biden’s word for that it’s “Russian disinformation” – the Democrats’ favorite catchphrase. 

Their beloved and corrupted FBI is saying nope, sorry Democrats: this isn’t Russian hacking. Ditto for the Department of Justice and DNI John Ratcliffe. 

As expected, our detestable media have circled the wagons for Joe Biden and his abysmal, disgusting family.

They claim the laptop can’t be verified because, well, Orange Man is still President.

Even though recipients of emails and text messages detailing the shakedowns have said, yeah: it’s real.

Even though pictures found on the laptop were so horrific and pornographic in nature, involving seemingly underage girls, that they were turned over to the Delaware State police and FBI child sex exploitation department. 

But no, our media says it can’t be verified. Move along, nothing to see here.

They hate Donald Trump and his supporters so much that they are willing to literally sell out our country to foreign governments. Remember when Democrats thought that was a bad thing? You know, like with Russia Russia Russia? I guess they don’t care anymore, because the Bidens actually did it, unlike Trump, and Joe Biden is a Democrat, so anything he does is A-OK. 

These people have no souls. Democrats and their media allies have got their story and they’re sticking to it.

They are sticking to their story despite verified emails from various sources saying that Hunter Biden was using Joe Biden’s positions as a senator and then vice president to enrich the Biden family.

They are sticking to the story despite troubling – that’s putting it mildly– videos and photographs of Hunter Biden smoking crack and having sex with random young girls/women.

They are sticking to the story despite the fact that Hunter Biden seems to be naked on FaceTime and perhaps having sexual intercourse with his niece Natalie. There are also text messages which allude to the sordid incidents.

They are sticking to the story despite Joe Biden being named as “The Big Guy” with orders never to say his name in print or email – only in person. Kind of like a mafia boss, no?

I’ll admit it – I didn’t think Joe Biden was smart enough to pull off this level of corruption. But I was wrong. He’s a cagey old criminal. Just like he’s probably faking his dementia in order to get out of criminal charges that surely will be coming, he’s been fooling everyone a long time.

Joe Biden portrays himself as an avuncular, Irish Catholic with a wonderful, loving family and wife.

Now it turns out that his loving family and wife have been in on the scam the whole time. Bankrolling the Biden family as Americans lose their jobs to China and fleecing Ukrainians are just small drops in the bucket. We have family members who allegedly look the other way when it comes to the incest of a granddaughter and niece.

It’s funny. They’ve been calling certain people “conspiracy theorists” a very long time for bringing up certain proclivities of various Deep State and Blue Checkmark Democrats. 

Turns out, there might be a very big rabbit hole we are all getting ready to enter.

“#SaveTheChildren” takes on a whole new meaning now that we’ve looked in the into the seedy underbelly of Hunter Biden’s laptop. Not only is there a family member involved, but there are also hundreds (if not thousands) of pictures of underage girls with Hunter Biden in — shall we say — provocative poses. There are also rumors that the laptop also contains incriminating evidence against other people the Chinese Communist Party has blackmailed.

Hunter Biden loves taking pictures of himself with these girls – almost as if he’s being forced to do so. Was Hunter being forced to participate in the blackmail and extortion? Do you want all this money, Biden crime family? Well, then, the CCP needs incriminating information we can hold it over your head like guillotine.

These disturbing images are on top of all the emails, documents, and text messages prove that Joe Biden and others (with the approval of the Obama Administration) were using their positions in the United States government in order to enrich themselves to the tune of tens of millions (if not hundreds of millions) of dollars.

We’ve got one week left, America. This is the Deep State on parade. The FBI and other agencies have known about this laptop since at least December 2019. How come no one bothered to expose it during the impeachment charade? Why doesn’t the media have a problem with extortion and quid pro quo if it’s Democrats doing it? So many questions!

As with all things Democrat, everything they accuse the president or conservatives of doing they are doing themselves. They are gaslighters to the extreme. 

THEY are the ones colluding with foreign governments including Ukraine, Russia, the CCP, Kazakhstan, and probably many others.

THEY are the ones who sexually assault women and young girls.

THEY are the ones with out-of-control drug habits, and Yes Men who cover up for them. 

Barack Obama knew every single thing that was going on, and who knows? We may soon learn that he profited himself from the Bidens’ crime activity. These people are just common grifters with high-level security clearances. They are a serious danger to national security.

If Joe Biden is elected president, he will belong to the CCP. They have made sure of that.

On a human level, what’s most alarming is that Joe Biden doesn’t seem to have any problem that his son perhaps had sexual intercourse with his then 14-year-old granddaughter Natalie.

Dark secrets keep coming. 

Democrats – and the media who cover for them — have a lot of explaining to do.

Vote like our country’s very existence depends on it. We must rid America of this widespread poison and corruption. 


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