Houston HERO: It’s About the Bathrooms, Stupid

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The Left’s latest forward march against common sense and decency comes to a head tomorrow, November 3, when Houston will vote on HERO (Houston Equal Rights Ordinance). The collective Left will tell you it’s us rubes on the Right who are seeking to discriminate against women, minorities, gay people, purple polka dotted elephants, and anything or anyone else they can shove into this bill.

This is a flat-out lie.

HERO originally was the dreamchild of Mayor Anise Parker, who lamented the fact that every other major city in Texas had such an ordinance protecting people from discrimination based on age, race, gender, sexual preference, yada yada yada…the list never ends. (Never mind there have been federal, non-discrimination laws on the books for years—but don’t let facts deter hysteria.)

The mayor running the fourth largest city in America decided it would be totally non-fascist and super progressive to demand—scratch that—subpoena the sermons of pastors to see if they were in any way critical of gay marriage…presumably so she could seek to have their tax-free statuses revoked. The pastors fought back and took her to court—and won.


The people of Houston also won a substantial victory when the Supreme Court of Texas unanimously sided with the people and told Parker and the rest of her LGBT-obsessed posse that the people of Houston indeed had a right to vote on an ordinance that essentially let people choose their own gender and head to whichever bathroom they felt best represented their genitalia that particular day.

But here’s where it gets sticky. You see, in every other major city in Texas with HERO, the authors of the bill removed language that everyone and their Great Aunt Sally found objectionable—the language declaring a person can choose their gender at will and pop a squat in any bathroom they choose.

This is what Parker and the rest of her screeching, leftist-agenda pushing yentas left in the Houston bill. And yes, this is what we’ve come to—that the people of Houston have to vote on something so asinine it would be hysterical if not so diabolical.

From HERO: a male can express himself to be female, at any time, without restrictions. “An individual’s innate identification, appearance, expression, or behavior as either male or female, although the same may not correspond to the individual’s body or gender assigned at birth.” Did you catch the truly off-the-chain crackalacka insanity at the end there? The “gender ASSIGNED at birth.” Because, evidently, it’s now a parent, doctor, or hippie midwife’s job to “assign” a gender—not those pesky X and Y chromosomes!


In addition, HERO says that any business, private or public, that would bar a dude in a dress from hitting the female stalls or showers would be slapped with a $500 per incident fine—all for protecting women and girls. Feminists, come get your trophy! This is how far the pendulum has now swung into Crazy Town—that harpies with the same mindset as those at Glamour Magazine who made Bruce “Caitlyn” Jenner a “Woman of the Year” contender while he is still in possession of a penis and testicles, are now cheering on allowing dudes with more problems than I have space to expound upon here, access to women and girls in public bathrooms and locker rooms.

In addition to all this fascism, HERO would also discriminate against religious people who have serious reservations about non-traditional marriage based on faith and principles, as well as the proverbial baker and photographer who refused to provide services to a gay wedding or gender-switching ceremony or whatever the case may be. Off with their heads!

The Left got its Holy Grail last summer with five lawyers in black robes who overturned the will of the people when they declared that gay marriage was legal in all fifty states. You’d think the Gay Mafia would be satisfied, right? Just take the victory lap and go about its business like normal human beings. Oh, how wrong you would be!

Never underestimate the willpower of an unrepentant Leftist. They are relentless.

The same people who have now coined the phrases “transphobic” and “hetero-normative” (I can’t) just won’t leave well enough alone. This hyperbole about how conservatives seek to discriminate against whoever isn’t JUST LIKE THEM is a lie, and a damnable one.

Nobody in the conservative movement believes anyone should be discriminated against at any time. However, conservatives also possess that elusive quality of common sense that evades liberal brains and understand that creeps and perverts would most certainly take advantage of the “bathroom law” and needlessly skeeve out women and girls in extremely private situations.

To those transgendering individuals who feel I’m being unfair and unduly harsh, I have a suggestion for you: hold it until you get home.

Problem solved.

Vote No on Houston Proposition 1—the Bathroom Bill. Don’t let the Left gain yet another foothold into the rapidly devolving culture.

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