Hey Democrats: Your Leaders Think You’re All Morons

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I came across a hysterical, hyperventilating article the other day on the mentally deranged liberal website ThinkProgress.org entitled “Anti-Abortion Activists Trying To Pretend Women In Texas No Longer Have Right To Choose.” Intrigued, I read further. 

It seems that the author, a genius named Tara Culp-Ressler (hyphenated last name required, naturally), is lamenting the fact that Texas’ common-sense abortion laws (no murdering after 20-weeks’ gestation, requiring an ultrasound before a murder can be committed, making sure the butchers calling themselves doctors are qualified and have hospital admitting privileges—you know, Medieval stuff like that) have caused some of the Democrats’ most ardent supporters to believe that abortion has magically become illegal in the state of Texas.

Now, forgive me if I’m wrong, but pretty much every illegal alien and citizen alike knows that the detestable Roe v. Wade decision has been the law of the land for 42 years. In all 50 states. Since 1973.

But Democrats seem to think their supporters are so mind-numbingly stupid (and who can blame them, they vote Democrat) they have to be reminded of this fact.

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A particularly telling pull quote from Culp’s (I’m not hyphenating) piece reads as follows: ““They’ll say, well, I heard on my local news channel that my local clinic was closed because of the law, so I thought all of the clinics were closed because of the same law,” recounted Amanda Williams, who serves as a board member for the Lilith Fund, a nonprofit organization that helps pay for low-income Texans’ abortions. “We hear it on our hotline all the time. We hear from our clients who say, until I found this number or until I found my local clinic, I didn’t know I could get an abortion, I didn’t know abortion was still legal.”“

Notice what this Amanda Williams person is implying. Her clients—the low-income Texans seeking abortions—are stupid. And like the eugenics-promoting Margaret Sanger before her, weeding out the stupid is one of Planned Parenthood and other abortion providers’ top goals. Forget education—just weed them out!

So, in essence, the pro-abortion advocacy groups (I mean, Democrats), think they need to take the hand of every woman in the state of Texas and walk her personally to an abortion clinic just to reassure her that she can indeed still murder her unborn child.

The Last Clinic

What is it about this crowd? They have no issue with using an ultrasound to make sure they rip a baby up in such a way as they can still harvest and sell their organs, limbs, and tissue, but God forbid you show a woman contemplating an abortion what’s actually going on inside of her! Actually, come to think of it, this makes perfect sense. In light of the Planned Parenthood baby-parts scandal, it WOULD be better business to make sure a woman doesn’t see what’s happening with the development of her unborn baby (and the further along the better, from a business standpoint) so as to sell the mutilated parts to the highest bidder. And when these people euphemistically stamp the word “choice” over their barbarism, they again expect their constituency groups to fall in line—and for the most part, they do.

This assumption of stupidity of Democrats by fellow Democrats is certainly not limited to breathless articles by leftwing kook websites lamenting that many of their constituents think abortion is illegal in Texas. Just look at what President Obama (your president, not mine), his administration, and various liberal judges say about the Texas voter I.D. law. In essence, as usual, they claim that requiring citizenship and a photo I.D. to vote somehow provides an undue burden on minorities. Huh? Why just minorities? Do minorities not buy alcohol, cigarettes, and Sudafed, get on airplanes, go to nightclubs, open bank accounts, apply for welfare, Social Security, a job, unemployment benefits, food stamps, an apartment, or buy a car? Do they not get marriage licenses, purchase a handgun, adopt a pet, adopt children, pick up a prescription, go into a casino, or any other number of activities and purchases that require a photo I.D.? Why do Democrats assume their constituents are so braindead they can’t provide something so commonplace we all (not just minorities) use every single day, often multiple times a day?


Here’s why: Democrats, since at least the time of Woodrow Wilson, the first Progressive (and pro-segregation, I might add) president, think a large swath of the population needs their guidance, their help, taxpayer money, and everything else Big Daddy Gubmn’t provides for those souls too wayward and moronic to fend for themselves. And that’s the Democrats’ dirty little secret: they think you’re stupid, and they always have.

Well played!

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