Hate Mail! (Sometimes It’s Just So Much Fun)

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Usually I refuse to engage with outright morons and racialist a’holes. Today, I was feeling generous.

Please enjoy! Thank you to Detroit’s own Darius Maxwell, stoned scholar and gentleman, for this morning’s content!


Do check him out, won’t you?





Darius Maxwell
I think you are a racist 😒 matter fact I know you’re racist 😩 I don’t know why they allow you on tv 😂 black people don’t blame shit on y’all but the facts that y’all ancestors took everything from us from day one and forced us in this country it’s facts it’s black history you stupid ass lady u want us to stop bringing up slavery ? 😂 naw maybe you and yo kkk buddies should try some shit so we can make our ancestors happy again by fucking y’all up then we gone go back to Africa and live like kings and queens like gods people because that is what we are you’re just a waiste of cum yo momma should of swallowed you you ugly and look like trash good morning tho

Angela Box
Ah yes, blaming all your problems on whitey. Three words: Zimbabwe, Detroit, Chicago.
But you keep smoking that chronic, buddy!
Your “intellect” speaks for itself.
Darius Maxwell
I will I’m getting money to u a low life seriously and a racist you need to be put to rest
Angela Box
Hmmm sounds like a threat to me….
Darius Maxwell
I’m from Detroit come down here and talk like u do on Houston bitch u would of been fired
Angela Box
Hahahaha keep it up… please
Darius Maxwell
No a threat would be saying I’ll put you to rest I said you need to be put to rest just a opinion
Ur white trash
U don’t even have no real money 😂
Angela Box
Unlike you I’ve actually WORKED as a TEACHER in inner cities like Compton, Watts, south central and Houston. Shove off asshole
Darius Maxwell
U broke just like us democrats
Angela Box
You wish
Bye Felicia
Darius Maxwell
I swear I wished you worked for Detroit public schools u would of been killed yo self by now
U hate blacks for what ?
What did we blame you for 😂
Angela Box
Nope. Sorry my kids loved me and I loved them. Bye bye POS
Darius Maxwell
Suck my fat black dick I bet u would choke on it
U ever had 8inches of black dick in you ?
Angela Box
I’m publishing this entire convo. Thanks for my morning content!
Darius Maxwell
I’ll cum in yo mouth for my black ancestors bitch
Hell yeah this for my black people 😂🔥😭😩 black power u racist
We need to stand up to people like u more often
Fuck the KKK
Angela Box
You’re proving my entire point about black culture. You keep it up!
Darius Maxwell
You are proving mines about racist !
You are a racist you’ll bring slavery back if u could just admit it
Angela Box
Haha yes burn down some more black cities. That’ll show Whitey!
Darius Maxwell
I need to come to Houston and be on the news period kus you’re wrong imma email you’re boss because I know you’re a worker
Angela Box
Democrats were for slavery, genius. Ask Your Democrat plantation masters to bring it back
Darius Maxwell
Ask trump to give you a few dollars broke white bitch 😂😂😂😭😭
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