Ginning Up the Race War: Thanks, New York Times!

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The New York Times, unbiased media stalwart of truth and fairness (cough cough), recently published an article about “Driving While Black” in Greensboro, NC. (Of course it’s the South! It’s always the South!) They produced several studies done showing that black drivers were disproportionately stopped over whites over a several year period, and lots of anecdotal stories from people who had been targeted by cops simply for being black (the authors’ contention).

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While some of these stories and the data are compelling, and I do agree that more should be done to treat everyone equally and fairly under the law, the New York Times, as they and other liberal media outlets are wont to do, are doing more damage than good. As we’ve seen with Ferguson, Baltimore, and other cities where alleged police misconduct occurred (and then was proven to be false), the media and the political Left seek to divide this country based on race time and again.

Nascent, quasi-terrorist groups like #BlackLivesMatter and The New Black Panther Party have made the war on police a reality. Their rhetoric about killing whitey and “Pigs in a blanket, fry ‘em like bacon” have caused police to feel they have target s on their backs—and in many cases, they do. Just ask Deputy Darren Goforth.

When a police officer stops a driver for an infraction, and, let’s be honest, we’ve all been there and it’s no fun, there’s something very simple you can do to most likely avoid any unfortunate and/or traumatizing interaction.

Here’s Rule Number One: Do What the Police Officer Says. Produce the documents he requires. Don’t have illegal drugs or weapons in your car. Don’t backtalk. Don’t be rude. Realize that most officers are decent human beings who are doing a very difficult job—keeping society safe. They don’t know who is behind that wheel or on the street. They don’t know that you’re just a normal, law-abiding person going about your day. You could be the next police shooter for all they know.

This escalating hostility against officers have caused many police to look the other way in high crime areas like Baltimore, which has seen its murder and crime rates skyrocket since the riots over Freddie Gray. And honestly, do you blame them? When doing your job can get you targeted by some racehustling jerk who wants to see every officer as a criminal, instead of seeing the perpetrators as the true criminals, why would the police even take the risk anymore?

Now, that said, the anecdotal evidence does suggest that some officers are, let’s be honest, jerks. And that’s putting it mildly. When black people are stopped and what was a minor incident suddenly turns horribly wrong, that is an injustice that must be righted. For that, I think the New York Times should be commended. However, these anecdotes from decent people don’t take into account that disproportionately higher crime rates take place in black communities—places where hard working, law-abiding individuals have, in many instances, been trapped by a never-ending cycle of welfare, fatherless homes, out-of-wedlock births, high crime, poor education, and all the rest—all perpetuated by the policies of liberal Democrats for the last 60 years.

The anecdotal evidence also doesn’t take into account that our country is being balkanized for the specific purpose of dividing Americans by racial lines—again, to gin up suspicion and division so that liberal Democrats have perpetually pissed off groups of people to manipulate. It also doesn’t take into account other anecdotal evidence—that of personal experience. Truth: a large percentage of black culture celebrates violence and acting out against other—that “thug life.”  It celebrates excess and materialism. When “thug life” continues to be glorified, with all that entails, the rest of society does take notice. If you’re walking around with an irreplaceable chip on your shoulder expecting to be constantly offended, maybe it’s time to look inward. Before Bill Cosby’s legal woes, he was seen as a black leader to emulate. When he started urging the black community to practice some true introspection, and start being honest about just who exactly is causing the problems the black community faces, he was demonized—cast out—as a traitor. Never mind the fact that Cosby has been a good Democrat his entire life—but speaking the truth was tantamount to, I guess, turning Uncle Tom.

Evidence suggests patterns, and when patterns persist, that is one the reasons for more traffic stops of black Americans. I don’t like it any more than you do. I truly wish we did live in a color blind society, where we judged one another on the content of character. It’s not right to stereotype anyone. But sadly, stereotypes exist. And it’s not just black Americans who are stereotyped: we all are. It would be so refreshing to see everyone as individual children of God and judge interactions with them accordingly.

I have a feeling this is all going to get much worse before it gets better. I pray that the majority of Americans choose to unite together instead of the alternative.

Because the alternative is destroying us.





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