George Floyd is the New Patron Saint of White Guilt

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Move over Barack Obama! There’s a new sheriff in town.

Since the tragic death of George Floyd on Memorial Day 2020, guilty white liberal America has stood in solidarity with the terrorists of antifa, violent elements of Black Lives Matter, and the media who tells us the seemingly never-ending riots AREN’T riots, but rather, “peaceful protests.”

Keep in mind this is the same media that featured children singing hymns to Barack Obama, did no investigation into his questionable background, and covered up every scandal known to man during his eight years as president. 

So egregious were the media that we are now unravelling the labyrinth known as Obamagate, which ensnares people from the intelligence community, law enforcement, foreign actors, Hillary Clinton, and of course, Barack Obama himself.

Barack Obama, let’s remember, was a radical left community organizer who had –shall we say –a dubious past and a couple of name changes along the way. 

He hung out with domestic terrorists Bill Ayers and Bernadine Dohrn of the Weather Underground. He was social with Louis Farrakhan. He presented himself as a moderate new voice of the African American community, when in reality he was a far left radical — and governed that way. 

The media was his fiddle and did his bidding the entire way. They never questioned anything he did and parroted the line that he had a scandal-free administration (ha!) and positioned anyone who opposed him as a violent, virulent racist.

During the eight years of Obama, race relations between white and black America became unbelievably strained. Not because of anything white America or black America were doing specifically. No: they were strained because of Obama’s rhetoric. Every time an incident involving a black man killed by white person or a police officer occurred, he fanned the flames of racial division before all the facts were out and ginned up his army to do his bidding to destroy America from within.

Today, the left is using Gorge Floyd much in the exact same way. They refuse to see this tragic case as what it is – an overuse of police force, and most likely not racially motivated. 

There’s so much more I believe we will learn about the case – for example, why has the media totally glossed over WHY police were called in the first place? For that matter, when are we going to get into Floyd’s criminal record? It’s not insignificant – it was extensive and violent. What was the relationship between Derek Chauvin and George Floyd, who knew each other for 17 years working at the same restaurant/club? There are certain things that are just not adding up in the initial hysteria of the moment. Time will tell.

White guilt is a helluva a drug and Black Lives Matter knows it. Black lives matter was desperate for money and attention for a very long time, because things were pretty good before the pandemic – which was also inflamed by the media and the left as the worst thing since the bubonic plague. Now we know that was a LIE. Just as it is a lie that half of America are closet KKK members with white hoods in the backs of their closets.

The left has one aim — and that is to destroy and then remake America in their image. Their secondary (but just as urgent) aim is to destroy Donald Trump. Therefore, the left has taken this incident and ran with it all the way to the bank. 

Their first goal is always to destroy America because the radical left hates America. They hate our founding. They think our Founding Fathers were all slave owning racists. They hate capitalism. They don’t understand the first thing about Christianity or Judeo-Christian values. They think Western Civilization is irredeemable. They use the cudgel of racism and other “isms” to keep people divided. They seek a new world order built with Marxist ideals. They used to not be so obvious about it, but now they are!

And, of course, the secondary but more pressing objective is to get rid of Donald Trump. Trump knows the people behind the scenes pulling the strings of antifa – like George Soros – and other Deep State actors are throwing literally everything at the wall to see what sticks.  Trump knows these actors are up to their eyeballs in this Marxist revolution, and the coup to get rid of Trump. Once the American people start getting more information about just how deep and wide the attempted coup went, more eyes are going to be opened to the true evil of the Obama Administration, and almost everyone in it.

But in the meantime, guilty white liberals can wring their hands, kneel before black people, canonize a lifelong criminal and throw three funerals (with a gold-plated casket!) for St. George, break down sobbing in front of the gold-plated casket, throw money at Black Lives Matter, put black squares on their Instagram for #BlackoutTuesday and only patronize businesses that have signs in their windows virtue signaling about Black Lives Matter and lecturing us that “silence as compliance.” 

They do everything they always do. Because deep down they do think that the black community is inferior to the white community. If they didn’t, they wouldn’t treat them as victims. They wouldn’t feel the need to give them handouts. They wouldn’t feel the need to excuse the corruption and filth in Democrat-run cities. They wouldn’t feel the need to deny school choice to children in inner-city communities in horrible failing schools who just want a chance at an education. No. Guilty white liberals just give you crumbs. And OF COURSE, donate to Black Lives Matter, who’s getting rich off of it.

If we are at the precipice of the next Civil War, which I think we might be, then the left will use the patron saint of White Guilt George Floyd to wage their new holy war against systematically racist America. I say we make it easy for them and just split the country into. We can help the blue state and red state people relocate, and then it’s off to the races. And no matter what, any citizen of a blue state who chooses to live in a blue state can NEVER come back to our side. If they do, they don’t get to vote for ten years.

Nobody is celebrating the death of George Floyd, but as usual the level of hysteria brought by guilty white liberals and shaming anyone who doesn’t grovel at the altar of political correctness is typical and would be funny if we were not in such dangerous times.

There is no coexisting with a group of people who think you are racist simply because of your white skin color. There is no coexisting with people who think you have privilege just of your white skin color. There’s no coexisting with people who only see skin color and put people into groups instead of seeing people as individuals.

The left will never learn, and that’s just the way it is. I do believe our American divorce is inevitable, so let’s get this party started.


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