First They Came For Kavanaugh….

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Only leftists would support a FAKE victim.

In their never-ending quest for total dominance and control, the left has shown they will scrape any bottom of any barrel as long as they get their way. It doesn’t matter who they destroy, how hypocritical they are, or just how plain inhumane. The end result of power at any cost is what they desire.

This is the third week in a row I am writing about Brett Kavanagh and his delayed confirmation to the Supreme Court.  I do so because the level of injustice done to this good man is outrageous, appalling, and illustrative of the modern-day Left.

Last Thursday, there was a running bet on if his accuser “Dr.” Christine Blasey Ford was even going to show up to testify. (I place quotation marks around “Dr.” because that babyvoice that came out of a grown woman did not comport with the “Dr.” distinction. But I digress.).

After all, her story had not only been uncorroborated by her named witnesses, but her witnesses outright denied any such party ever occurred. Even her best friend Dr. Ford claimed was there denied her allegation!

But show up she did. Her testimony was hard to stomach – mainly because of her obvious lies and inconsistencies, but it was also painful due to her babytalking delivery. However, because our society has been taken over by hyper-feminists in the hysterical #MeToo movement, every woman is supposed to be believed — no matter how outlandish or uncorroborated her story. And don’t you DARE consider looking into a VICTIM’S past!

As Dr. Ford squirmed in her chair and answered “correct” with a Valley Girl babyvoice every three questions, Rachel Mitchell – a sex crimes prosecutor from Arizona – dismantled her account.

Unfortunately for many of who understood that high drama was needed to swat down Ford’s story, she dismantled it in a very subtle way. For example, we had heard for the past few weeks that the delicate flower known as Christine Blasey Ford had such horrible PTSD from the groping done by Brett Kavanagh 36 years ago that she could not get on a plane and fly to Washington, D.C.

The problem with her excuse is that Republicans had offered to fly to California to interview her confidentially. She refused that, and as we know her radical leftist lawyers kept moving the goalposts and inventing ridiculous roadblocks. That’s why many of us assumed she wasn’t going to show up at all. Even after Sen. Dianne Feinstein withheld Ford’s accusation letter until the last minute in order to force this circus, people were still giving Ford the benefit of the doubt.

Sen. Feinstein just “happened” to recommend socialists freak lawyer Debra Katz to poor little #MeToo angel Blasey Ford.

But the funny thing was, she wasn’t in California at all. She had been in Delaware. How did she get to Delaware? Well, she flew. In a plane. Because, you see, that’s for vacation. As she testified, she loves to go on vacation and she isn’t at all afraid to fly when she does that!

It would seem the only time Dr. Ford has trouble flying is when she has to testify under oath in Washington, D.C. about serious allegations against a conservative Supreme Court nominee. That’s when her fake flying PTSD trauma “suddenly” crops up again.

Dr. Ford also “forgot” who gave her therapist’s notes to the Washington Post less than two months ago, and how many contacts she had with the newspaper. So, not only are we to believe that for 36 years, she said nothing about this assault by Brett Kavanagh – even as he climbed the ranks in the judicial world – but that she also forgot it was herself who gave her therapist’s notes to the Washington Post less than two months ago.

She claimed she told her marriage therapist and husband (side note: poor bastard) in 2012 that it was Brett Kavanagh who had assaulted her. Unfortunately for Dr. Ford, that is not cited in the therapist’s notes—or anywhere else.

As they say: Sure, Jan.

When she was confronted with the fact that not one single person would corroborate her testimony, Democrats sputtered that we needed yet another FBI investigation. And as we know by now, the Left usually gets what they want, because Republicans are too feckless and spineless to push back.

This look says it all.

After confronted with no corroborating witnesses, Dr. Ford summarily threw her lifelong friend Leland Keyser under the bus. Dr. Ford testified Leland texted her and said she was sorry that she couldn’t corroborate her lie. It would seem that some people aren’t fond of perjuring themselves on a national stage like Dr. Ford is.

Instead of acknowledging that her friend did indeed deny any sex party ever occurred, Dr. Ford claimed Keyser had “serious health issues” and that’s why she wasn’t corroborating her. I’m not sure how she excuses the other four witnesses who also deny anything ever happened.

Sitting through her testimony and watching every single senator kiss her ass was mind-numbing and incredibly frustrating.

As we know, two other leftist women who have not been corroborated by anybody have all also come forward with insane accounts of dildos shoved in faces and ongoing gang rapes by Brett Kavanaugh.

During the hearing even the Democrats realized their stories were borderline lunatic and didn’t address them. Obviously, they’ve placed them in reserve and will trot out Creepy Porn Lawyer Michael Avenatti as needed.

Brett Kavanaugh fights for his life and reputation against pure evil.

After Brett Kavanaugh‘s emotional testimony – where he rightly called out Democrats’ blind political calculations and motivations for smearing him –  America was riveted by Sen. Lindsey Graham and his impassioned takedown of Democrat colleagues and rogue Republican cowards.

What did the media do to their once BFF Lindsey Graham? Why, they mocked his remarks and directed homophobic slurs at him. Of course, anyone who doesn’t toe the left’s line is subject for destruction. It’s just how it goes.

And in a case that shouldn’t involve race AT ALL (because it doesn’t), for Democrats race is always a factor. Now liberal pundits are saying the Kavanaugh confirmation is all about “white male Christian privilege.” These people have sunk to the bottom and they keep going lower.

I sure do like THIS Lindsey Graham now that McCain is dead. Unshackled!

The treacherous political Left has purposefully destroyed Brett Kavanagh and his family. 

Kavanagh, a brilliant originalist Constitutionalist D.C. Circuit Court judge who is a good and decent man as attested to by everybody, has now been reduced to a caricature of a drunken frat boy who rapes women indiscriminately.

The Left has bolstered the claims of these three women who lie as easy as they breathe. And shocker: all three are far-left activists.  

Dr. Ford, through her brother, is connected to both Peter Stzrok and Fusion GPS (no backstory necessary by now). Until she scrubbed her professional resume and social media, Ford’s far-left #Resist activism was well-known.

Chrisitne Blasey Ford has done her best to scrub her social media leftist past

Deborah Ramirez, Kavanaugh’s Yale classmate who claims that Kavanaugh shoved a dildo in her face, works for a leftist group called Safehouse Progressive Alliance for Non-violence (SPAN). She has gone on a little fishing expedition to see if anyone will back up her ridiculous story. No takers thus far.

Progressive activist Deborah Ramirez

Julie Swetnik, the manic looking woman with restraining orders levied against her who threatened to kill her ex-boyfriend’s unborn child (among other allegations), claimed she attended nine gang rape parties and then was raped herself during the tenth one while Brett Kavanaugh watched. She has hired squinty, bald, leftist shill Michael Avenatti to represent her.

Vile freak Julie Swetnik

All of them are just your average, run-of-the-mill leftist activists.

The media could care less about their motives, because they all share those leftist motives themselves.

Normal America is horrified and heartbroken over what happened to Kavanagh and his family. They are alarmed that simply because he does not subscribe to their radical judicial philosophy, the Left thinks they have free reign to completely destroy a man and his family.

Brett Kavanaugh and his wife Ashley and daughters with President Trump

Never mind that when Democrats nominate far, FAR leftist judges to the Supreme Court and district and appellate courts, they are almost always confirmed with a large majority of both parties. Unlike Democrats (who kneecap and fight dirty), Republicans subscribe to the notion that the elected President gets to pick who he wants to see in the judiciary.

Liberals realize the only power they can wield long-term is on the courts. That’s how they get their nutbag policies pushed through without consent of the voters.

When RINO Jeff Flake, the appropriately named swing-voting lame duck senator from Arizona, was accosted by a screeching George Soros harpy in an elevator, he folded like a paper napkin. He acquiesced and demanded, along with the Democrats, that yet another FBI investigation be undertaken of “credible” allegations against Kavanaugh. As I write, the investigation is still ongoing.

It hasn’t stopped the Democrats from trying to throw new and more ridiculous monkey wrenches into the proceedings. They constantly move the goalposts, and the Republicans let them.

If Brett Kavanagh is not confirmed, there will be hell to pay for red state Democrats and wimpy, shiftless Republicans who buy into these uncorroborated lies.

It’s up to about $750k now. It’s a lot easier to launder Soros money if it’s through a GoFundMe.

I pray that the good guys win this one.

The good guy in this instance is an exemplary human being. He has lived his life honorably, purposefully, and is more accomplished on his worst day than any of these lying fraud senators are on their best days. 

This depressing display has shown the world just how low Democrats will sink. They are not finished, and they will not stop. They will not stop until they have complete power and control.

We must stop the bleeding in November and send the lying hacks packing.




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