Filthy Leftists Are Why We Can’t Have Nice Things

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Are you smarter than leftist propaganda?

Serious question. Because since January 2020, when our collective hell began, stupidity and weakness have rapidly accelerated throughout our culture.

Today I look around at my fellow Americans, shuffling along wearing a toxic diaper over their faces, and I am amazed at how easily they have been co-opted by a dangerous philosophy with no grounds in reality. 

Our overlords have assured us that a bandana or paper mask over our faces will save us from the dreaded coronavirus. But if it does, why would we need to shut down anything?

Why are our overlords lying about the death rate, which is actually plummeting? Why do they freak out when positive cases spike, but not actual deaths? 

Why would going to church or a restaurant/bar be a problem, but not violent protests and looting?

If masks work, why are they releasing prisoners into the streets, who jack up our crime rate, as they scream about defunding the police? Shouldn’t these murdering, raping thugs simply don a paper mask and stay locked up?

Why are so many Americans so easily cattle prodded into giving up basic liberties and freedoms because some vapid celebrity making #hearthands on Instagram tells them they are evil if they don’t?

Why is it it’s so many people cannot apply simple logic and realize that every bit of hell we’ve been living through since January is for one reason – AND ONE REASON ONLY — to get rid of Donald Trump? Like the Russia hoax, the Ukraine hoax, and every other fake news “bombshell” – it’s all to destroy Trump.

If Barack Obama was president, we wouldn’t hear word one about COVID-19. After all, the media made no fuss about the H1N1 virus, which had a similar death and infection rate. We weren’t forced into masks or shutdowns, because their god Hussein was president.

If Obama was president right now, they would commend the increased testing and point out that just because the number of positive cases is higher, the actual death count is dramatically falling. They would be promoting therapeutics like hydroxychloroquine instead of extreme fearmongering to the public about its safety and efficacy.

Yet they don’t do that. Why? Because this is a coordinated propaganda attempt to destroy Donald Trump, and by extension, the American people who voted for him.

The left is becoming more brazen by the day in their goals. Removing Confederate anything has now morphed into attacking the very symbols of Western Civilization, including Christianity. Churches, missions, and statues of the Virgin Mary and Catholic saints have been desecrated and burned.

Law-abiding citizens who simply defend their homes and property (and their lives) against the domestic terrorists of Black Lives Matter and antifa are being vilified by petty tyrants in government, media, and district attorney offices. 

And for what? George Floyd‘s death? Really?!

No. Like all revolutions, they need the Big Lie to spark the flame, and then these violent leftist thugs, funded by George Soros and others, are allowed to run amok.

And because Normal America is trying to earn a living, go about their business, keep their heads above water, and teach their kids since schools are forever closed, they don’t take to the streets and riot like filthy leftists do.

There’s been a lot of talk about the Silent Majority recently — but by God it’s time for the Silent Majority not to be so silent. We are witnessing a cultural revolution that has one end. Its name is Venezuela, the Soviet Union, Nazi Germany, China, or Cuba – and it seeks to completely remake this country in its own image. 

So yes: the question remains – are you smarter than the propaganda? Can you still think for yourself? Or have you been completely corrupted by the same media and leftists who have been lying to you about Donald Trump for the last four years? 

I guess we’ll find out soon.

“But it’s ONLY a mask!” they whine.

The mask is simply the first step. If your brain is co-opted, your body will not be far behind.

Just ask German citizens in 1933. They thought it could never happen to them, either.

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