Fight the Leftist Status Quo!

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I’ve been mocked by news directors at local television stations when I claim that leftism IS the status quo.

They say: You’re just too political. Why can’t you talk about something else? How can you see politics in every story?

The simple reason is because almost every story IS political. And those politics invariably tilt far left.

They should know better by now not to doubt me.

Every week, there seem to be a plethora of new news stories that get Normal America to just throw up their hands and beg for it to stop.

John McCain was buried last weekend and you would’ve thought Jesus Christ himself had been resurrected the way the media covered the story.

McCain was a complex man and political figure, with both positive and negative traits. But the media pretended John McCain was a paragon of quiet countenance and virtue, a peace-loving dove who simply wanted to get along with both sides of the political aisle.


John McCain was a war hero—that is not and never has been in dispute. He was also a taciturn, contrarian drama queen, who treated his 2008 running mate Sarah Palin and her family like garbage – perhaps realizing all too clearly she was the only reason conservatives wanted to vote for him at the top of the presidential ticket.

So shabbily was she treated that it was reported that McCain himself asked her NOT to attend his funeral. Classy.

Palin, to her credit, has never publicly said an unkind word about her running mate. In fact, she has consistently thanked John McCain for giving her the opportunity to serve the Republican party and the American people.

His pallbearers and eulogizers include people like Joe Biden, Bill Clinton, Al Gore, Michael Bloomberg, Warren Beatty, and other leftists. No true-blue conservatives in sight!

McCain’s pallbearer included leftists like Joe Biden, Michael Bloomberg, and Warren Beatty

Those eulogizing him bashed our current president more than they praised the man who had just died. Of course, this is exactly what McCain would have wanted.

The media made his funeral a 72-hour spectacle of effusive love and admiration for the only Republican they ever liked. (Except when he ran against Obama. Then he was a racist pig.)

Their motivation behind it is clearly obvious.

On Labor Day, the athletic shoe and apparel company Nike decided to get #woke and dip their toe into the virtue signaling, Social Justice Warrior pond. They chose to make Colin Kaepernick – the third-rate quarterback benched by the San Francisco 49ers who was responsible for the continued hemorrhaging of NFL viewers – the face of their “Just Do It” campaign.

The unmitigated GALL of Nike.

Kaepernick, who is not bright by any discernable standard, is famous for disrespecting the American flag, wearing socks that depict police officers as pigs, and flouting Che Guevara on his t-shirt as he expounds on the “inherent racism” that made him a multi-millionaire.

As with all major corporations who are scared of their own shadows, Nike tilts far left and seem to believe that what they hear on Twitter is gospel.

Bad decision.

The next day Nike’s stocks tanked, and the boycott was underway. People who are offended by pampered athletes crying fake rayyyysism reminded Nike that Colin Kaepernick is no hero. And now, the national Fraternal Order of Police has condemned the choice of Kaepernick as Nike’s newest #woke spokesperson. Not smart, Nike.

The Fraternal Order of Police is NOT pleased with Nike.

The real story about Colin Kaepernick goes like this. Kaepernick was benched, because he was not performing up to snuff. He then decided to “take a knee” during the National Anthem simply for attention and personal glory—because, as a rule, leftists are simpletons and will follow fellow simpletons. He was let go by the 49ers because of his performance. Naturally, his comrades then demanded he be hired to be a quarterback anywhere—because racist football team owners owe Kaepernick a living.

The new “Just Do It” tag line: “Believe in something. Even if it means sacrificing everything” is a simpleton’s dream. Colin Kaepernick hasn’t sacrificed a damn thing. When he kneels and disrespects our flag and soldiers, and police, he spits in the face of people who actually DO sacrifice for this country.

Also this week, the left was in full tantrum mode during the Brett Kavanaugh hearing to confirm him for the Supreme Court. Brett Kavanagh is by any objective measure fully qualified to sit on the High Court. Certainly, he is far more qualified than Barack Obama’s wingman Elena Kagan—who was confirmed without a sniffle from Republicans and was used to pack the court in favor of the disastrous Obamacare ruling.

Instead of using the tone of “civility” the left lectured us about during John McCain‘s funeral, immediately after the hearings began they were interrupted by snarling Senators like presidential wannabe Kamala Harris of California, embalmed corpse Richard Blumenthal of Connecticut, Diane Feinstein, Dick Durbin, and every other leftist that sits on the Senate Judiciary Committee.

In addition, the sniveling, tantruming leftists decided to turn the hearings into some sort of a primal scream therapy session and proceeded to constantly interrupt both the nominee and questioning senators, until one by one the protesters were escorted from the room.

Brett Kavanaugh braves the Democrat onslaught against his character and judicial temperament during his SCOTUS confirmation hearing

Prediction: Brett Kavanagh will be confirmed as the newest Supreme Court justice, and there’s not a damn thing the left can do about it.

One of the things that makes the left dangerous is that they believe – over anything else – they have a right to be in power and to direct your thoughts to how they think they should be directed.

If you do not think like them, you are a racist, xenophobic, Islamophobic, sexist, homophobic, and any of the other epithets they baselessly throw at conservatives.

They won’t admit it, but deep down they believe that people should not have different opinions. In actuality, everyone can have a range of opinions on any given issue. That’s the beauty of our republic–every citizen has a right to express his or her own opinion at the ballot box, in public, in print, or on social media.

At least in theory they do.

But as we’ve seen with social media (Twitter, Facebook and probably others), conservatives are roundly being censored and suppressed.

Because like with everything else left his touches, they have turned the notion of free speech on its head.

For the left, free-speech is only free if you are espousing what they believe. 

If you have a different point of view about affirmative action, you can’t have a reasonable debate with a leftist. You are automatically branded a racist. If you want to have a substantive discussion on abortion, its validity, and its morality, you’re not allowed because then hate women. If you want to discuss the real and growing threat of radical Islam around the world, you’re branded and Islamophobic. If you think building a border wall and ending social welfare benefits to illegals would obviously curtail illegal immigration, you hate Hispanics. If you argue that the hoax of “manmade climate change” is simply a way for authoritarian governments to exert more and more taxation and power over the plebes, you hate clean air and water. If you rightfully point out that Democrat-ruled cities are hotbeds of crime, terrible schools, and poverty, you hate children and people of color.

And if you are Louis Farrakhan, arguably one of the greatest anti-Semites alive today, not only are you considered mainstream by modern leftists, you’re invited to Aretha Franklin‘s funeral and feted by former Attorney General Eric Holder!

But as with all things the left does, they are overstepping.

Normal America sees what these bullies are doing and attempting to do to our country. They see our culture going to crap every day. They see people who shouldn’t even given a platform (like the dim Colin Kaepernick) being elevated above actual heroes. They see a good man like Brett Kavanagh being raked over the coals simply because he has a different judicial philosophy than liberals — whose only way of getting policy changed is by shoving it through by judicial activism.

Conservatives are chomping at the bit to vote in November. I keep telling my liberal friends they are overplaying their hand. They did not see the silent majority coming in 2016 and they don’t see it today. They are still listening to their own polls, speaking in their own personal echo chambers, and not engaging with regular America to understand why President Trump is so beloved.

They don’t get it and they never will.

And it isn’t my fault that everything is political – it’s theirs. We are simply responding to their never-ending tantrums and authoritarian actions.

We—like them—know exactly what’s at stake.


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