Donald Trump’s RNC Speech was a Liberal’s Worst Nightmare

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That sound you heard around America last night after Trump’s speech was sniveling liberals peeing their collective hemp panties.

Behold: The Dark Mistress of the Ninth Circle of Hell
Behold: The Dark Mistress of the Ninth Circle of Hell

There were many great speeches, and lots of highs and lows (cough Ted Cruz cough cough) from the Republican National Convention this week in Cleveland.

But the three best speeches from the convention were given by Rudy Giuliani, Laura Ingraham, and Donald Trump.

Rudy’s message was firm. He said we need to remember we are one America—something that this president and Hillary Clinton over the last 8 years have done everything possible to divide.

Rudy Rudy Rudy!
Rudy Rudy Rudy!

Laura’s speech had a great point—that the liberal media–and 87% are liberal or vote for Democrats–refuses to tell the truth about Hillary Clinton, Barack Obama, Democrats, and their policies.

Cut to the immediate reaction to Trump’s speech. The media, collectively, said it was “dark.” They used that word repeatedly. They also called it “foreboding” and “authoritarian.”

Those words come straight from Hillary Clinton’s camp.

No, liberals. Donald Trump told the TRUTH last night and deep down you know it.

Two-thirds of America thinks we are going in the WRONG DIRECTION.

What’s “dark” is not Trump’s speech. What’s dark are the inevitable outcomes of the policies liberals have promoted.

Laura rocked it!
Laura rocked it!

Under Obama and Hillary, we have witnessed more terrorist attacks at home and abroad, police shootings, more people in poverty, on welfare, out of the job force, and more racial division.

This is not by accident. These are liberals’ policies.

Right now the world needs a parent—not a buddy.

Like a parent who wants to be a child’s buddy, and then is shocked when the child turns out to be a horrific brat, liberal governance is pretty much the same way.

We need a leader who will tell people the truth—not what they want to hear. Not give them a proverbial cookie to make everything better.

President Trump
President Trump

The world deserves to feel safe again.

And the brats deserve a swift kick in the ass.




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