Democrats Are the Mortal Enemy Of the Good

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What do you say about people who seem to have not a care in the world about destroying other people’s lives? What do you call people who have no regard for the truth, human decency, and their fellow man?

Sociopaths? Psychopaths? Machiavellian despots?

Niccolo Machiavelli had nothing on today’s Democrats.

Niccolo Machiavelli — the Italian diplomat often cited by the Clintons as an inspiration

I’m not being hyperbolic. Democrats have done whatever they can do to destroy their political opposition – by any means necessary.

Since Obama was foisted upon America, promising “fundamental transformation,” America has been on a roller coaster like it’s never seen. Clearly, his nefarious influence continues well into the Trump era. (Just ask the Deep State.)

Races are pitted against each other simply because of differences of skin color. Fake hate crimes – perpetrated by angry Democrats – are being used to frame Trump supporters. In the meantime, when white people or Trump supporters are victims of ACTUAL hate crimes, the media just yawns.

All immigrants are lumped in together – regardless of their legal or illegal status. We are told they are inherently better than Americans who get up every day and work just as hard – because, remember, Americans are racist xenophobes.

Christians are mocked and reviled for their belief in Jesus Christ – while at the same time radical Islamists are excused from the horrific things they do on the basis of “religious differences.” It’s their culture, you stupid RACIST!

Two of the worst people in the world.

Trump getting American soldiers out of pointless wars is now seen as traitorous – as opposed to what the left has always claimed they wanted.

The wildly inconsistent #MeToo movement – while correcting a lot of wrongs – has also ensnared innocent people and ruined their lives. Look what leftists did to Brett Kavanaugh a year ago. We STILL have no recourse for those truly evil people who attempted to destroy him and his family – because GOD FORBID there be an originalist on the Supreme Court. Senate Judiciary Committee Republicans have sent criminal referrals to the Justice Department for these lying, devious leftists who tried to destroy him. So far nothing has happened to them. Was the threat just for show? It sure seems like it.

Dismemberment abortion is a holy sacrament to leftists — and they will go to the mat to defend it. Ditto for socialism and open borders.

A shadowy, foreign billionaire named George Soros has spent half of his life and much of his fortune in order to push a globalist agenda — which continues to be completely against the will of the people. There are now several warnings that he (and others) are attempting to arrange a false flag event using the terrorists of Antifa to frame patriotic Americans in order to turn the country against President Trump and his supporters. Eyes open, my fellow patriots – for real.

Leftists in academia (and those who write textbooks) are hellbent on re-writing American history in order to present the most “progressive” propaganda possible. In addition to normalizing “transgenderism,” the teachers’ unions who have a stranglehold on children also seek to racialize EVERYTHING (including math) and to demonize America’s founding – all with the goal of (see: Obama) “fundamental transformation.”

Adam Schiff has ties to George Soros. Aren’t we all shocked?!

Hollywood is a circle jerk of vapid, CGI-abusing, virtue-signaling Social Justice Warriors who left their mission of “entertainment” by the wayside a long, long time ago. Now the goal in every venture is to push a far-left, social-engineered nightmare onto literally EVERYTHING and EVERYONE.

What do all of these things have in common? Why, they have ALL been perpetrated by Democrats.

Just look what they’ve tried to do for the last three years to a duly elected president and his supporters. It’s been non-stop personal destruction from DAY ONE.

The repugnant Adam Schiff might be the upfront, public face of these dark-sided evildoers right now, but they’ve all played a part.

For three years, the dominant media’s every utterance was a conspiracy theory that Trump is a Russian agent. Now, that their pet theory has been thoroughly debunked, they seem to have no curiosity whatsoever in determining HOW this hoax began in the first place – and WHO duped them (the smartest people in the world)!

Criminal referrals should be brought against all of the lying Kavanaugh accusers.

Nancy Pelosi, Steny Hoyer, and Chuck Schumer staged a walkout during a cabinet meeting – and, naturally, the media were magically waiting on them for their commentary on how Trump is a “sick man” who “needed our prayers.” They were ostensibly there – with other leaders – to discuss President Trump’s decision to remove a mere 28-50 military troops from Syria. But, as usual, they attempted to smear Trump with the same tired nonsense that never seems to get old.

All of us paying attention know the Deep State has been working in conjunction with rogue intelligence officers in America and abroad to promote a globalist agenda and take down a sitting president. Their silent coup d’état has morphed into a far more obvious one.

This week, Republicans will vote vote on censuring reprobate Adam Schiff. His abhorrent, nationally-televised conduct — in which he falsified a phone call between President Trump and Ukrainian President Zelensky on the floor of the Congress – demands far more than censure.

Schiff should be forcibly removed from Congress.

He has been the number one congressional perpetrator of this fraud from almost the beginning. He has continually lied and said he has actual proof and evidence that President Trump was a Russian agent and controlled by Vladimir Putin and Russia.

The Deep State is in the crosshairs of Trump, Barr, and Durham. PLEASE GOD let there be justice.

This is a demonstrable lie – and he’s repeated it multiple times a day for years.

He has ties to the Biden-connected “whistleblower” and Soros. His staffers were sent to Ukraine before this entire farce was set into motion. He suborned perjury when he said he had nothing to do with the whistleblower — and guess what? The whistleblower did, too. The whistleblower met with Schiff and his staff BEFORE “crafting” his nonsense whistleblower complaint — which is totally moot because TRUMP RELEASED THE TRANSCRIPT OF THE CALL WITH ZELENSKY.

Schiff has worked diligently to stoke disinformation and promote propaganda in the media in order to further his ambitions — and the ambitions of the far-left cultural majority. He, and the rest of elected Democrats and Democrats in the media, have worked endlessly to disenfranchise 63 million people who voted for President Trump – and I guarantee you that number has exponentially grown in the last three years.

I remember when Adam Schiff came into power, and ironically it was after the Clinton impeachment. I was living in California and was so moved by what Rep. James Rogan had done – by trying to hold the serial liar Bill Clinton accountable for suborning perjury, obstruction of justice, and perjury – that I called his office after he had lost his seat to Adam Schiff.

Former Rep. James Rogan (R-Calif. 27) — a very brave man.

I remember vividly driving on the 134 freeway and getting tearful when I left him a very thankful voicemail. The same people who think suborning perjury is just fine when it comes to Bill Clinton – in addition to all the reprehensible things he did to so many women – are the same people who make crap up out of whole cloth about President Trump without batting an eyelash.

They believe in Third World banana republics where if they don’t get their way, they seek to destroy the opposition as opposed to beating them at the ballot box. They will demolish anyone in their path – common humanity be damned.

This brings me back to my original question.

What do you call people who have no regard for the truth, human decency, and their fellow man?

You call them Democrats.


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