Democrats: A Better Deal–Off the Cliff!

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Here come the Democrats!

Our “good friends” the Democrats (which is what elected Republicans always call them, usually right before they capitulate over a core conservative value) have sorta kinda realized their party is bankrupt. Now, to be fair, the Republicans are flailing around like idiots as well, but the Democrats have basically surrendered everything except the Freak Enclaves to Normal America.

Normal America

After The Neon Pantsuit lost the 2016 election because Putin and Trump had a slumber party and schemed to steal the election from her—in addition to shoring up majorities in the House and Senate—they finished their Time Out tantrums (without their blankies) and rejoined the rest of us.

Nobody wears a pantsuit like Hillary!

This week in West Virginia (which Trump won by 20 points in some counties), Once and Future House Princess Nancy Pelosi –who was surrounded by mostly white elected Democrats– trotted out a new slogan: Democrats: a Better Deal.

Why, that is Roosevelt-inspired! And with a little dig at dealmaker President Trump to boot. Too bad that basically everything they’re pretending to support are ideas Republicans–and more specifically conservatives–are promoting.

Hey look, a bunch of white Democrats. Where’s the diversity? I’m sure the pitchforks are coming.

Lower taxes? Check. Lower prescription drug costs? Check. Good-paying jobs? Check. Affordable health care? Check.

Oddly, not included in the Democrats’ fancy new plan: late term abortion, transgender bathrooms, removing God from the public square, ruining the healthcare system with Obamacare, imposing Draconian environmental regulations upon the oil, gas, and coal industries, shoving the bankrupting hoax of manmade climate change (a.k.a. “the weather”) down our throats, or support of illegal aliens demanding amnesty and taxpayer bennies. Whoops.

As we have seen over the past eight years, Democrats have abandoned the white working-class and Middle America in favor of rancid, hysterical identity politics. Their party is no longer a big tent but rather a conglomerate of disparate, pissed-off nutbags.

Some Democrats

It must be so fun to be a liberal. Proposing socialist economic plans which have failed time and time again, saying—with a straight face—that gender is a choice, claiming unborn babies are merely products of conception, believing illegal aliens have a God-given right to be in America (while at the same time bashing America), and scaring an entire generation into believing because you drive a car and throw away a plastic fork the earth will soon be uninhabitable. Plus! All these ideas are pushed with celebratory excess by a majority liberal media which agrees with you and promotes your unworkable schemes.

Each day, liberal stupidity grows. Theirs is not a better deal; theirs is a deal which has actively degraded and ruined our culture in myriad ways.

In today’s example of Liberals Are Crazy, we take you to the Wide World of Sports where politics has now infected even boxing. A man from Bangkok, Thailand decided one day he was a girl, and demanded to be taken seriously as a female boxer. Not only did they take him seriously, but they are celebrating him as some sort of gay pride symbol.

Here’s the latest rage: boys boxing as girls! Transgender Thai boxer Muay Thai fighter Nong Rose Baan Charoensuk (that’s quite a name!)

Again, as I said in my article last week (, I remember the days when gay people just wanted to be treated like everybody else. But after gay marriage was passed in the Supreme Court, the rabid LGBTQXYZ community had to move on to something else–and so they affixed to the idea that one can choose one’s gender.

Liberals love claiming conservatives deny science but they themselves actively deny a genetic male is scientifically different from a genetic female. Transgender people who make the switch have to go through a lifetime of hormone treatments because they are not genetically the gender they present to the world. This *sciencey* term is known as gender dysmorphia.

This is also the same group of people who deny a new human being is formed after conception. It is only after this human can “live outside the mother” that they will consider it a human being, and even then they think they still have the right to kill it.

Liberals deny science by saying this baby isn’t a baby. #Science

Ah, Science!

In the realm of economics, liberals also live in an assbackward world. It has been proven time and again tax cuts for everyone spur economic growth and progress and that socialism ultimately does not and can not work. The Pilgrims knew it, the Soviet dissidents knew it, and even the dirtiest hippie roaming the streets of Los Angeles (who looks around and wonders what in the hell have these masterminds done to a once vibrant city–and indeed a once vibrant state) knows it.

Liberals also have a fixation on excusing illegal behavior and making grifting and stealing from the productive a noble act. In the days of Cesar Chavez, liberals sided with conservatives and understood rewarding illegality with taxpayer money or amnesty was actually a bad thing and that it depressed wages for low-income Americans. Not anymore! Now, the rallying cries of “Open Borders!” and “Nobody is illegal!” and “Amnesty!” are what these people support. The rest of law-abiding America be damned!

So congrats, Democrats. You’ve come up with a cute new catchphrase almost as juggernauty as Hillary’s “Stronger Together”. It remains to be seen if the voters you discarded like a three-month-old aborted fetus will flock to your ideas once you’re forced to defend what you truly believe.

Spoiler alert: it’s not the snake oil you’re peddling today.




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