There are those who say President Fundamental Transformation hasn’t accomplished much.

On the contrary, as America winds down this long, final, awful Obama year, the most divisive POTUS in history can count among his accomplishments ruining the economy, health care, and Israel/America relations, a $20 trillion debt, redefining criminals as “justice-involved individuals”, ruining suburbs using the Department of Housing and Urban Development, giving nuclear weapons to the Iranian Islamonazis, allowing illegal aliens to run roughshod over American citizens while collecting taxpayer money, distrust and outright hostility of police at an all-time high, having more Americans than ever in poverty and on welfare, tearing this country apart along racial lines, and other sundry, unique destructions.
Not content with merely large-scale destructions, Obama, like every other radical leftist before him, seeks to social engineer right to the end of his miserable, horrific reign.
The legacy he leaves behind will not only weaken America domestically but worldwide. Rather than seeing him as a failure, Americans (and people around the world actually paying attention) understand what’s at stake–and realize he’s been all too successful.
Liberals love to invent problems, thrust them onto the public, and then either mock or lambast conservatives when they push back against the insanity.
While the examples of this singularly liberal obsession are vast, let’s just focus on the latest example of an assbackwards left-wing obsession: transgender bathrooms.
Twenty years ago, Saturday Night Live ran a hilarious skit called “It’s Pat.” Julia Sweeney, as Pat, dressed as an androgynous, unattractive, weird *person* and everyone around her tried to figure out what “it” was. “What’s that? It’s Pat!” was how the jingle went. Nobody could figure out if Pat was a man or woman…or in today’s ridiculous, hyper-politically correct parlance, a “cisgender” or “transgender” or “binary gendered” or “pansexual” or whatever annoying, stupid words liberals invent to justify their actions.
“It’s Pat” was very funny. But, like all good things liberals turn to rot, this type of humor MUST come to an end. Liberals have always been thin-skinned little wusses, but a skit like this would never air on SNL today. The screeching leftists would never stand for it.

Because now, of course, the *vast* “transgender community” would get their feelings hurt.
We can debate all day long whether “transgenderism” is an actual, intrinsic, biological THING or whether it is a psychological disorder called Gender Identity Disorder (or Gender Dysphoria). What we do know is that this condition affects less than, on average, 1/3 of one percent of individuals (or 0.003%).
Because liberals and the Gay Mafia got their “holy grail” of social engineering last summer when the Supreme Court, by a 5-4 decision, thrust gay marriage upon America, they were at a loss as to how to disintegrate traditional America even further.
Fear not, because ALL OF THE SUDDEN, the tiny minority of transgender people were oppressed and, according to these Svengalis, treated like blacks in the 1960s by being denied choosing the public bathroom of their choice.
Yes, once again, liberals co-opted the Civil Rights Movement for their own demented purposes.
School districts and communities started mandating that schools must allow transgender people to choose which bathroom and locker room they identified with—which means boys will absolutely be using the same toilets and showers as girls. This also extended to public bathrooms outside of schools.
Needless to say, the 99.9999% of people who are not transgender took exception to this insanity (unless they were sheep liberals, of course). Texas and North Carolina, in particular, have drawn the ire of the dictatorial Obama Administration by daring to fight back.

Whatever happened to fighting for privacy for women? For making sure women feel safe? Out the window on a liberal whim.
“Progressive” companies like Target followed suit—and finally, last week, President Fundamental Transformation issued an edict to all public schools “strongly suggesting” they allow students to choose whatever bathroom and locker room they chose, unless they wanted their federal funding withheld.
Yes, nothing like a “strong suggestion” followed by an “or else.” Such believers in choice and freedom, those liberals!

So, in other words, schools will be forced to allow a gender free-for-all pee party and if they don’t comply, poor children won’t eat breakfast or lunch.
I mean, “Cutting off funding” means cutting off funding—which would put those at-risk students even more at-risk. And isn’t that what liberals, who are the smartest people in the world of course, always accuse conservatives of doing?
Now, if liberals were logical, which they are not, they would agree that the “transgender community” is such a small minority they should understand that the majority of us might not feel comfortable with a dude in a dress peeing around women.
They might relent by agreeing to use a single bathroom with a lock. (Which, personally, I always seek out because I DO love a single bathroom. And yes, I am a real girl.)
They might understand that until a man chops off his junk (and whatever they do to a female to male) he is still anatomically a man.
They might understand that no matter what’s going on in the brain of a transgender, these individuals still have the chromosomes of either a male or a female. I know that’s so very oppressive, liberals, but that’s the way it is. It’s SCIENCE!
The actions of Obama and his partisan flunkies in the Justice Department prove that liberals, in addition to inventing problems when there are none, will do anything to shove their agenda down the throats of normal Americans.

And because normal Americans are just trying to survive in the disastrous Obama economy, they are generally too overwhelmed to rally or riot or do any of the things leftists who either don’t work or get paid to agitate like to do.
The Silent Majority of this country is thirsting for leaders who will knock back every single ridiculous yet destructive policy this regime has foisted upon us—and knock the insipid, pretentious, word-inventing, holier-than-thou, psychotic leftist nutjobs back to the late 60s and early 70s to where they belong, and, where, God willing, they die of drug overdoses before they can do any future harm to the rest of us.