Dear #BlackLivesMatter: We Need to Talk

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Hi, BLM. Is it okay if I call you BLM? #BlackLivesMatter (hashtag and all) seems a bit unwieldy. I was hoping we could have a little heart-to-heart family meeting. Oh, I’m not part of your family? Well, I suppose being a white woman you might have a point. But we are Americ—Oh, what’s that? You don’t identify with being an Amerikkkan (nice reference, by the way) considering our colonialist, slave-owning past? Well, that’s kind of what I wanted to talk to you about.

You see, BLM, we have a problem.

You seem to think we still live in either 1861, 1900, or 1953—and that’s a big problem. For one thing, slavery no longer exists. Nor do lynchings of the variety the hooded crazies of the KKK promoted. Nor do Jim Crow laws. Nor does segregation. However, BLM, you seem to be hellbent on keeping us stuck in the past without acknowledging the major steps American society has taken in order to right the wrongs of the past.

Just a peaceful little #BlackLivesMatter lamb
Just a peaceful little #BlackLivesMatter lamb

I hear you sputtering something about white, racist cops, and we’ll get to that in due time.

But I suspect, BLM, the reason you and your liberal Democrat leaders (Barack Obama, Jesse Jackson, Al Sharpton, and the other Racehustlers among you) refuse to, as they say, live and let live, is because there is so much political hay and actual money to be made for keeping the racehustling dream alive.

After all, the vituperative champagne socialist George Soros has given you $12 million, plus untold millions from other leftist groups whose real goal is the destruction of America. I suspect that might be your ultimate goal as well—considering you find America to be illegitimate, imperialist, and evil. You groom and expect your members to stoke the outrages you spoonfeed them, regardless of the facts.

If it walks like a duck....
If it walks like a duck….

Take, for example, the reason your organization started in the first place.


After Henry Louis Gates (your homeboy Obama first inserted himself here, by saying the police “acted stupidly”) and Trayvon Martin (the thug who pummeled George Zimmerman within an inch of his life who Obama embraced as a fictional son), the third myth Obama and leftists embraced was that of the “Gentle Giant” Michael Brown—the thug who charged police officer Darren Wilson and wrestled with him for his service weapon, and who was killed in self-defense.

BLM, you were spawned from this event.

Remember the myth, “Hands Up, Don’t Shoot?” Sure you do—because you chant it every chance you get to perpetuate a demonstrable lie. Black eyewitnesses testified to the Grand Jury that, indeed, Officer Wilson feared for his life and had no choice but to shoot Brown. The “hands up” was a lie. Wilson was exonerated.

The lie of Michael Brown
The lie of Michael Brown

But never one to let a crisis go to waste (thanks for that, Rahm Emmanuel), your followers decided to riot, loot, and burn down Ferguson, Missouri anyway and demand investigation of the police department—which, of course, the Obama Administration was wont to do in the first place.

The same modus operandi have been your marching orders after each “unprovoked murder of a black man by police.”

Only the problem is, in each case so far, you have gotten the facts horribly wrong, and the officers in question were ALL exonerated. Despite these facts, your group perpetuates lies in order to further divide a nation desperate to move on from all the racial madness.

Now we come to July 5, 2016 to Baton Rouge, Louisiana and the case of Alton Sterling—the *innocent man* wrestled to the ground and shot in cold blood by two right-wing nutjob white cops. Although the facts we know so far do not allow such a conclusion to be reached, no matter. Even though Sterling had a criminal record (including charges of child molestation!) and the reason the police were there in the first place was because a citizen had called them to complain Sterling had brandished a weapon, you guys decided to once again paint his case as a unwarranted shooting of an unarmed black man.

The next day, in Minnesota, police stopped the car of Philando Castile, a man who looked an awful lot like the suspect in an armed robbery for whom police were already searching. The narrative your group has promoted was that this man (in the car with his fiancée who just happened to videotape some of the incident) was stopped for a broken tailgate and told police he had a gun and a permit for it, and for some inexplicable reason, when he went to reach for his registration and I.D., the cop decided to shoot him. Because he was black, right?

Now it turns out there’s—surprise!—another side to the story. According to the officer, who, remember, stopped Castile’s car because he bared a resemblance to a robbery suspect, Castile had his weapon on his lap when he was pulled over. The officer told him to not to touch the weapon, but instead of following this directive, Castile reached for his gun. The officer, not knowing what was going on, used deadly force.

#BlackLivesMatter lies about it being a peaceful organization
#BlackLivesMatter lies about it being a peaceful organization

Now. While we wait for ALL the facts to come out, BLM, could we not have some calm instead of scapegoating police officers once again? Or are these two incidents just too juicy to let go and let God?


Clearly, the former applies.

And now, we reach Dallas on July 7—the site of one of the many “peaceful” (read: Molotov cocktails, bricks, rocks, slurs and insults thrown at police) rallies held by you last weekend to protest “yet another black man killed by white police.” While the media portrayed the protest as largely peaceful, many other eyewitnesses beg to differ. Then, as the protest was winding down, a former Black Panther, black nationalist/segregationalist (and shockingly, Army veteran) named Micah X. Johnson opened up sniper fire on Dallas police—murdering five and injuring several more. When he was finally cornered before being sent to his Creator via a robot bomb, he laid out his reasons for the rampage.

Micah X. Johnson, former Black Panther and all around general psycho murderer
Micah X. Johnson, former Black Panther and all around general psycho murderer

Now, Barack Obama and leftists (including you, BLM) have tried to fool the stupid into believing that the reasons for his killing are “murky” and “hard to understand.”

On the contrary! Micah X. was very plain in his reasons. He hates whites, hates cops, identified with Black Lives Matter, and was pissed off about the shootings of Sterling and Castile. He wanted to kill whites and white police officers.

Period. End of Story.

The five Dallas police officers gunned down while trying to protect #BlackLivesMatter
The five Dallas police officers gunned down while trying to protect #BlackLivesMatter

BLM–I know what you’re saying. I hear your protestations! I’m not saying you are personally responsible for the murders of five police officers—that distinction lies solely on the late Mr. Johnson.

What I AM saying, BLM, mainstream (liberal) media, Barack Obama, Jesse Jackson, Al Sharpton, Hillary Clinton, NAACP, and all the rest of our modern-day Racehustlers, is that your constant rhetoric (how awful white police are to black men, how black men are unfairly incarcerated, how evil whites are in general to blacks, and how blacks just can’t get ahead in racist, imperialist, colonialist, awful Amerikkka) IS INVENTING AND THEN EXACERBATING extreme racial animus in this country.

Facts are pesky things. While you like to claim that more black men are killed by police than whites, this simply isn’t true. Over 50% of all people killed by police are white. Blacks account for less than half that number. Furthermore, most  (upwards of 80%) people killed by police are either armed or attacked the officer in some way.

But! You screech—blacks are only 12% of the population and are incarcerated, stopped, shot, etc. far more than the proportion of whites! Yes—because, unfortunately, blacks commit over 2/3 of ALL VIOLENT CRIME. Blacks are killed by other blacks 90% of the time. And, when you subtract drug criminals in prison from the rest, it only accounts for a 0.02% drop in the prison population. In other words, the majority of the prison population are violent felons who have no business being released onto the streets.

Facts suck, don't they #BlackLivesMatter?
Facts suck, don’t they #BlackLivesMatter?

Additionally, blacks overwhelmingly vote for white and black Democrats—who have told the Black Community and all people of color they don’t need a two-parent household; that whites are trying to keep them down; that Big Gubmn’t will take care of everything they need.

How’s that working out for you?

How are the inner cities, blue states in shambles, and Big Education working out for blacks? Terrible—by every quantifiable measurement. And ALL OF THEM are controlled by Democrats.

Another Democrat Plantation aka Cleveland.
Another Democrat Plantation aka Cleveland.

The dirty secret is this, BLM. You’re pawns. No, not your leadership, who has become quite comfortable stoking hatred of white America and police. The pawns are the people you lie to in order to keep the hatred alive. There is no “can’t we all just get along” endgame for you—the endgame is the destruction of America and to keep the hateful homefires burning.

If you truly cared about black people (which, I contend, you don’t) you’d be demanding that thug culture and gang glorification be stopped. You’d be demanding a return to marriage, two-parent households and fathers who are accountable for their children. You’d be demanding children be taught to respect authority and that police are there to protect them. You’d teach them that over 99% of the time, if you behave yourself and act like a civilized human being, you will not only get ahead in life, you’ll thrive. You’ll get an education. You’ll find a meaningful career. You’ll marry and have children. You’ll go to church on Sundays instead of either visiting someone in prison or being visited there yourself.

We cannot have a civil society without law and order—no, not a militarized or federalized police force, but law and order. Colorblind justice is not what you seek. You seek to excuse behavior in order to enrich yourselves. You seek to keep people angry and voting for the same masters who are more than happy to keep you on their Democrat Plantation.

I’m glad we had this talk, BLM. Carry on with your racist and hateful terrorist organization. As for me, and hopefully the majority of Americans, we’ve had enough of you, your accusations, and your excuses.

#BlackLivesMatter: #GirlBye.



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