CHAZ/CHOP : Mothers’ Basement Dwellers of the World Unite!

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Never forget: Democrats want everywhere to look like CHOP (nee, CHAZ). They want you terrified and cowed into submission – dragged kicking and screaming to their Brave New World.

In Seattle, in case you missed it (like evidently Washington’s governor Jay Inslee), a bunch of peace-loving hippies have gracefully squatted on some unused territory, planted gardens, and are preaching love and tolerance.

Just kidding! 

In actuality, a bunch of filthy leftists have staged a very special revolution, supported and enabled by alleged adults. 

The fledgling country of CHOP (the artist formerly known as CHAZ) is six square blocks of perfect utopia. Little seedlings of pot and tomatoes grow in Dixie Cups. There are tents and port-a-pottys for comrades to sleep-n-squat. There are no borders, no weapons, no Trump. Everyone is totally equal, and sings Kumbaya all day long.

Except, WHOOPS: that’s not what’s happening at all.

All of your loser friends’ moms’ *super-talented* but *misunderstood* basement dwellers have found their raison d’être in the new occupied territory now known as CHOP – Capitol Hill Occupied Protest.

(I prefer CHAZ — Capitol Hill Autonomous Zone, but a. Chaz Bono wants her/his name back and b. probably many of the zone’s intrepid residents did not know the meaning of “autonomous”, so CHOP it is.)

The world is now watching what happens when left-wing activists who don’t have a clue about LITERALLY anything take over.

The innocent little lambs of Black Lives Matter and antifa are ratcheting up their frothing-at-the-mouth hatred of police officers and Normal America.

They want to tear down or deface all statues of ANY American (even ones of union soldiers and Abraham Lincoln). They want to defund and abolish the police — even though most crime is committed in minority communities, and defunding police would leave law-abiding minorities completely vulnerable to criminals.

As all narcissists believe, the filthy leftists of CHOP think the world revolves around them. Nothing good or noble came before them, and therefore must be erased.

Amazingly, the things they screamed about the most in Normal America (like police, borders, capitalism, security, distribution of goods) are things they are slowly realizing they have to re-create in their commune from hell.

CHOP: I have so many questions! 

How can it be racist to have a wall or fence on the United States’ border, but a border around CHOP is perfectly kosher?

Same for police—they’ve kicked out all cops (because DUH), but have replaced them with antifa brownshirts maniacally threatening passers-by with AK-47s. For that matter, I thought guns were bad? Oh wait — the lunatics can carry them, just not law-abiding citizens. Gotcha.

These reprobates are also building their own little “community gardens” but what happens when and if something actually grows? Who distributes the bounty? If someone has tilled the ground and watered the seeds, will they be just fine with sponges swooping in to steal the fruits of their labor?

(You know, now that I’m thinking about it, perhaps story hour with The Little Red Hen would be helpful to teach these slobbering idiots who haven’t the first clue about human nature and the laws of economics.)

How are these new super-citizens going to pay for goods and services? If capitalism is evil, how do you invent a bartering system that’s “fair”?

Who cleans up their messes, including the piles of human feces? Do they have a sanitation department? How do such people get selected and paid?

How can they claim to have a “leaderless” society when they have ceded their rights to a deranged “warlord rapper” named Raz Simone, whose previous claim to fame was being an Airbnb “super host”?

How can they build a utopia without judgment if they are violently threatening anyone with a different opinion? Isn’t that counterproductive?

Sigh. Oh, you silly, petulant, violent vermin.

What are the teachable moments of CHOP? Among many things, it shows when self-aggrandized eighth graders run the world, it’s not a good look. 

The adults who run Seattle and the state of Washington (such as they are) have relinquished power to a group of egomaniacs who dramatically slam their doors after they yell at their perplexed parents, “I HATE YOU, MOM AND DAD!!!”

These are children who live in a constant state of tantrum.

Seattle’s “leaders” are allowing the tantrum and they clean up their mess anyway — much like what a parent does for a toddler who poops his pants. 

Moreover, after the adults are spat upon, they applaud the children’s efforts just like you’d expect from an entire generation of sycophantic, codependent parents who raised such nihilistic brats. 

President Trump is wisely standing back and allowing the world to see all of this insanity unfold — courtesy of the radical, unhinged left.

America could never have been destroyed from an outside enemy – only by an enemy from within. 

What we are witnessing is infiltration — not invasion. It’s no longer about the snarling racehustlers of antifa and Black Lives Matter with all of their freakish demands – it’s about the unvarnished hatred of America, its founding, and its Founders.

These thugs are deadly serious about tearing down America and remaking it in their own dystopian vision.

I certainly hope there are still more adults in our new, collective hell who believe in corporal punishment – and lots of it. 

These miscreants need several spankings and to be sent to bed without their suppers. As they curse their parents while they cry into their pillows, the adults will breathe a sigh of relief. 

Once again, order will have been restored.  

Hopefully, soon after their experiment in adulting has failed miserably, these basement dwellers will return to their mothers’ smothering bosoms, turn on their Playstations, and leave us the hell alone.

Can’t happen soon enough.

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