Chalk Up Another Loss for the Racehustler in Chief: Baltimore Edition

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Oh, Barack.

Who could’ve predicted that the man schooled in the psychotically Marxist, leftwing, America-despising philosophies of Saul Alinsky, Frank Marshall Davis, Rashid Khaledi, Bill Ayers and various Chicago racehustler miscreants would be so incredibly wrong every time he stuck his racially-obsessed nose in community affairs?


The acquittal of Baltimore police officer Edward Nero in the death of habitual criminal and drug dealer Freddie Gray is to be applauded (notwithstanding the egregious SIX MILLION DOLLARS the kowtowing officials of the near-bankrupt city of Baltimore gave his family for producing such an upstanding young man).

But the road to get to the acquittal was tawdry and, as typical under the umbrella of an administration who invites the radicals of Black Lives Matter to break bread with them in the White House, not without its actual, legitimate injustice to Officer Nero, his family, and the remaining five Baltimore police defendants.

Acquitted Baltimore Police Officer Edward Nero
Acquitted Baltimore Police Officer Edward Nero

As with all racially-charged cases, Barack Obama and his career leftist flunkies in the Department of Justice shove their pronouncements of how rotten America is to black people. And the liberals in the Baltimore District Attorneys’ office got this case horribly wrong, too.

Under the backdrop of the constant rage of Black Lives Matter (a group whose leader is a white guy pretending to be black), and the cases of Henry Louis Gates, Michael Brown, Trayvon Martin, and Eric Garner (cases which Obama jumped the gun and essentially declared guilt before all the facts were released), the Freddie Gray juggernaut occurred.

Because nothing expresses a wish for thoughtful, factual inquiry more than destroying small businesses, police cars, and private property, the leaders of Baltimore (specifically Democrat Mayor Stephanie Rawlings-Blake) gave tacit permission for thugs, looters, and criminals to destroy the Democrat-controlled city.

Tacit permission? Oh wait. That’s not exactly the case. Mayor Rawlings-Blake stood before media cameras and said, explicitly, “We also gave those who wish to destroy space to do that as well.”


Under the seemingly never-ending Obama Administration, thugs are made martyrs, criminals are constantly put-upon by whitey, and everyone is racist (except minorities, of course, because they can’t be racist).

While giving lip service to stopping the out-of-control rioting in Baltimore last year (Come on you guys, cut it out!), Obama pivoted quickly by claiming the riots stem from “decades of inequality.”

This justification is typical for Obama, and all Democrats, who seem to have the hypnotic power to make their constituents always forget it’s liberal Democrats who have run the education system, major cities, government bureaucracy, and every other bloated, failed project for the last 50+ years.

But, as the petite ballerina, former Obama henchman, and current Chicago mayor Rahm Emmanuel once said, one should “never let a crisis go to waste.”

When indicting six Baltimore police officers with charges including second degree murder in the death of Freddie Gray, the radical left prosecutor Marilyn Mosby decided that, instead of completing a thorough homicide investigation (where the medical examiner concluded none of the officers had any intent to harm Gray), she would instead respond to the demagogic, tiresome, and typical cries of “No Justice, No Peace” and ridiculously overcharge the officers in the case.

Awful, racially charged prosecutor Marilyn Mosby
Awful, racially charged prosecutor Marilyn Mosby

Not only were the officers overcharged, but numerous legal experts believe they should not have been charged at all: they were simply DOING THEIR JOBS.

Prosecutors withheld evidence that Gray was under the influence of narcotics during his arrest, and also that he had claimed prior back injuries in the weeks leading up to his death. There was also an eyewitness in the paddy wagon with Gray who claimed (then recanted—gee, I wonder why) Gray was thrashing himself around the wagon in order to harm himself. No doubt so he could claim police brutality and get the Racehustler in Chief Barack Obama to claim him as another son, just like Trayvon Martin!

From start to finish this hyper-racialist, mob mentality has been spurred on by leftists—including the President of the United States. It is a mentality that is helping to tear this country apart.

The members of the Church of the Perpetually Offended (of all races) do not see facts—they see skin color, ethnicity, and grievance.

They do not grasp that individuals have responsibility for the choices they make.

They refuse to acknowledge the major steps forward America has made in race relations since the days of segregation and Jim Crow (Democrat inventions, I might add).

They blame crime rates on overzealous police officers instead of the criminals who perpetrate the crimes.

They choose to blame White America for “keeping people down” instead of the Democrat leaders they follow blindly.

Barack Obama, as the first black President, could have been the uniting figure he promised America he would be. Instead, as conservatives predicted all along, he followed in the footsteps of his radical left mentors and idols.

At every turn, he has exacerbated racial tensions in America instead of trying to quell them. He speaks in platitudes about taking responsibility for one’s actions and then seeks to fundamentally transform language by calling convicted criminals “justice-involved individuals.” He inserts himself in cases where he can aggressively promote his radicalism, and avoids cases where his negligence and destructive policies would be on display.

His instincts are singularly un-American.

We need a President who sees Americans equally, instead of assigning grievance class status to preferred groups. We need a President who urges responsibility and believes in the greatness of the individual. We need a President who sees hard work as preferable to a welfare check courtesy of taxpayers. We need a President who urges respect of police officers.

This is a top-down problem. Barack Obama set the stage for the perpetually aggrieved eight years ago. I can’t wait for the pendulum swing the other way—because it is coming.

Let’s get this course correction started!





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