CALL TO ACTION: GOP Must Be Held to Their Promise Regarding Scalia Replacement

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The passing of Justice Antonin Scalia has left a gaping hole in the Supreme Court. President Obama has promised to fill the vacancy with another far-left liberal. Republicans have sworn to block any nominee from coming to the floor of the Senate, but after so many broken promises to conservatives, it’s hard to take them at their word.

Justice Antonin Scalia's legacy cannot be ruined by the lawless Obama
Justice Antonin Scalia’s legacy cannot be ruined by the lawless Obama

Conservatives across the country must mobilize to stop the often vacillating Republicans in Congress from capitulating to Obama yet again and allowing his far-left Supreme Court nominee to get a hearing. The next President should nominate the next Supreme Court Justice, and history is on the side of this position.

Far too many important issues are currently before the court for Republicans to simply allow this lawless president another win. Cases involving the Second Amendment, Obama’s illegal alien amnesty executive order, crucial voter I.D. laws, abortion, and affirmative action are to be heard this year.

In the case of Obama’s illegal alien amnesty executive order, The Remembrance Project (, which was co-founded by Congressional candidate Maria Espinoza, has joined the amicus curiae brief along with 26 states (including Texas) who are suing the Obama Administration over the unconstitutional nature of his executive order which effectively legalized a large swath of illegal aliens and their children.

It is crucial for conservatives to speak with one voice to Establishment Republicans and let them know Obama’s hyper-liberal nominee will not, and should not, be tolerated.

As usual, however, hypocrisy abounds. Lawmakers who claim to side with conservatives over illegal aliens have proven, by their recorded votes, that this stance is a farce.

Maria is running for Congress against one of those hypocrites.

Rep. John Culberson (TX-7) has voted time and again to fully fund Obama’s budgets. Even worse—he voted “yes” on the most recent $1.1 trillion omnibus monstrosity—after he promised to defund Obama’s illegal alien amnesty!

Rep. John Culberson (R TX-7)
Rep. John Culberson (R TX-7)


Culberson showboats about how now he’s going to defund the DOJ—but this budget also fully funds Middle Eastern resettlement programs, Planned Parenthood, sanctuary cities, and gives the Department of Justice an 8% increase.


Votes have consequences. Americans are completely fed up with what elected officials have done with their money, their trust, and their government. This madness must end.

It’s imperative we elect conservatives to every position available. Maira needs your support. Together, we can defeat another Establishment Republican.

Please do these two things. First, contact your Senator and tell him or her you absolutely oppose allowing Obama to give his far-left Supreme Court nominee a hearing on the Senate floor.

This is a link with every Senate phone number:

Secondly, I’m asking you to please visit and help her beat John Culberson. Campaigns are expensive, and he is entrenched. Every dollar counts.

Maria Espinoza, conservative candidate for Congress (R-TX 7)
Maria Espinoza, conservative candidate for Congress (R-TX 7)

Fight for Liberty—and it is a fight. Get off the sidelines and DO SOMETHING.

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