Brexit, Trump, and America First

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I’m jealous of Great Britain right now.

With the rise of UKIP (United Kingdom Independence Party) and the #VoteLeave Brexit (British Exit) movement, the United Kingdom is proving nationalism isn’t dead. Now, that’s not to say it’s not potentially on its last gasp, what with the rise of globalism and all the nonsense of erasing countries’ borders, but at least England is attempting to breathe life back into itself by extricating Great Britain from the demonstrably horrible EU (European Union).

Some sane Britons who want to see the UK return to sanity. The #VoteRemain crowd is in the corner drooling.
Some of the intelligent Britons who want to see the UK return to sanity. The #VoteRemain crowd is in the corner drooling.

I’ve been rather obsessed lately with the Brexit vote which takes place June 23. A full month out, and the polls are remarkably close—far closer than the media would have the public believe. Naturally, all the leftwing, socialist, open borders, unfettered immigration crowd is predicting doom and gloom should England choose self-preservation over a multicultural overload of out-of-control immigration, depressed wages, no-go zones, more Sharia courts, and further degradation of British culture.

Not only should Britons #VoteLeave, but they should do it loudly and resoundingly. It might be their last chance to save their country.

By all means, the UK and the USA should welcome more of THIS!
By all means, the UK and the USA should welcome more of THIS!

About six years ago, a YouTube video was produced (not that fake video Hillary Clinton, the Ninth Mistress of the Dark Circle of Hell and her Alinsky Partner-in-Crime Barack Obama blamed on the Muslim terrorist attack in Benghazi, Libya which claimed four Americans). The video, shown below, shows the massive demographic shift occurring in Europe due to Islamic immigration.

Whether the Pollyanna leftists among us want to admit it or not, Muslims who come from non-Western countries do NOT share “our values.” Far from it—as evidenced with many with many Muslims’ refusal to assimilate, their insistence on Sharia courts and applying Sharia Law, shrouding women head to toe in black burkas, insisting on pork-free and Halal menus in schools, restaurants, and taxpayer-funded welfare, and demanding their Western hosts capitulate to their religious and cultural demands. We see some of this behavior in America and, frankly, it’s unsettling. But Europe has seen an explosion of Muslim immigration over the past decades and, friends, it’s not pretty.

These freaks make it pretty clear: they're not here for assimilation.
These freaks make it pretty clear: they’re not here for assimilation.

Far from destroying Great Britain, the Brexit #VoteLeave movement will save it.

The UK will no longer be slaves to an EU hellbent on destroying their society and culture. They will no longer have to hold their noses and watch as their cities are destroyed by crime and willful unassimilation. They will have the ability to control their borders and commerce instead of being dictated to by Brussels. And to the squishy liberals who scream “That’s racist!” every five seconds? Well, guess what? THEY CAN LEAVE TOO.

In America, we have a similar choice coming in November. I will crawl over broken glass to vote for Donald Trump if it avoids this country going the way of Europe.

Hillary Clinton has already promised to take Obama’s horrific immigration policies (i.e., refusing to follow the law, ignoring criminal aliens, granting illegal aliens taxpayer money, refusing to deport anyone EVER) and crank things up a few thousand notches. Not only will she not deport anyone, but she will make every illegal alien a legal citizen, and, for good measure, grant all their family members access into the United States as well. Welfare, Obamacare, voting rights, schooling for their masses of children—all paid for by you and me.

Look, some more people just dying to fit in to America!
Look, some more people just dying to fit in to America!

This disgusting, illegal, immoral tactic taken by the evil—yes, EVIL—Democrat party is to insure that not only will there never be a Republican President ever again, but that the hordes of illegal aliens turned citizens will remain a permanent underclass, because Democrats don’t insist on any assimilation at all. After all, it’s liberals who insisted on the “Press One for English” nonsense and everything written in seven languages—because we wouldn’t want to insist our fair immigrant population actually learn English and assimilate like all other immigrants before them!

There are Four Simple Rules immigrants should follow when coming to America. Rule One: come legally. Rule Two: Have some sort of skill that is useful to the country. Rule Three: Be able to support yourself and your family—not immediately suckle upon the taxpayer teat. Rule Four: YOU adapt to US. WE don’t adapt to YOU.

Our current immigration woes can be directly traced to one of the most vile, disgusting men ever to be elected Senator. Ted Kennedy of Chappaquiddick infamy (Google it), insisted that the Immigration and Nationality Act of 1965 would not change America’s demographics and make us safer, more secure, and less racist (of course). Proponents of the law repeatedly denied that it would lead to a huge and sustained increase in the number of newcomers and become a vehicle for globalizing immigration.

On the contrary: the Hart-Celler Bill did just the opposite. Immigration (legal and illegal) has exploded in the last forty years, much of it from countries which could very easily be considered Third World countries. Furthermore, assimilation of these new immigrants was never a priority, and chain migration was in full effect.

The disastrous results are on full display today. No longer a melting pot, America has, as leftists have planned it, become balkanized. Ethnic front groups like The New Black Panthers, the New Black Muslims, Black Lives Matter, La Raza (which means, literally, “The Race”), and C.A.I.R. (Council on American/Islamic Relations) by definition seek to separate themselves from American society, and in many cases, purport their superiority to traditional American culture.

These front groups blame white America for all their ills—when it’s white people who, by and large, created this American Experiment. That doesn’t sit well with them or their Hate America agenda. So, instead of paying homage to the past and frankly, thanking our Founding Fathers and European ancestors for blessing them with the greatest country the world has ever seen, racialist groups seek to destroy this country from within. And they’re winning.


It’s odd to me that every ethnic and religious group in the country seems to have the right to claim their superiority over white people—but when Christian white people fight back, and point out the disastrous results their racialist, separatist policies have wrought, it’s White America who is called racist—when all we are attempting is a return to normalcy and sanity.

As a white person, I’ve had just about enough of apologizing for my skin color.

As an American, I’ve had just about enough of liberal destroyers lighting a torch to my country.

Donald Trump has hit a nerve no other candidate has done since Ronald Reagan.

Nationalism, once a dirty word, is now being embraced—as it should be.

Nationalism says that, first and foremost, we are going to take care of America and Americans. That doesn’t mean we will be foreign policy isolationists; we will simply determine if America’s interests are served before becoming entangled in another country’s mess.

Shutting down our borders has been done before—at least four times, and for as long as 40 years. In fact, this is what President Trump should do immediately—right after he funds the Great Border Wall. This act alone would take away any ammunition from wuss Republicans and opportunistic Democrats from complaining about any proposed “Muslim ban”—because, guess what? Nobody is getting into America for the foreseeable future. Then the tough work of assimilating the legal immigrants here can begin.

As much as liberals and globalists claim that all cultures are equal, and, in fact, the West is racist, sexist, bigoted, and blah blah blah, Western Civilization is actually worth saving.

This immigration problem is no joke. Britain has finally been awoken from its stupor. I hope America soon does the same—because we are truly the Last Great Hope.

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