Over the past year and a half, so-called “rogue cops” have been running roughshod around America– or at least that’s what the mainstream media and #BlackLivesMatter would have you believe. From the blatant misrepresentation of the Michael Brown case, where the phrase “Hands up, don’t shoot” became the lie du jour, to the overzealous prosecution of six police officers in Baltimore over the death of Freddie Gray, and many other cases in between, race-baiting groups and leaders, along with politicians and many media outlets, have castigated police and made them the targets of community rage.

In most cases, this gross misrepresentation of our men and women and blue, 95% of whom do their jobs admirably, bravely, and by-the-book, causes untold angst and anger among communities and police officers. Why on earth would an officer want to show up every day and do his job with the fear of a lawsuit, riot, or the chance of being assassinated by an angry thug? Are there officers who do horrible things? Yes. And most, if not all, of the time they are prosecuted and face punishment if convicted.
Technology is a glorious thing. Police departments have utilized dashcams to take video of each traffic stop or incident for many years now. Recently, with the rising accusations of police misconduct, many of the same groups fomenting rage have demanded police departments spend millions of taxpayer dollars and outfit each police officer with a “bodycam”—a personal camera each officer would wear in order to document every interaction with the public. The thinking goes that these cameras would truly catch police doing the nefarious things the racehustler groups constantly accuse them of doing.

However, even though some have claimed these bodycams would be an undue invasion of privacy for both the police and public, or that police would “pretend” being good because they were being monitored, utilizing this technology would actually backfire on the people who yell loudest about police brutality. Liberal groups and racehustlers earn their bread and butter over alleged police misconduct. Providing each police officer with a bodycam will prove to the public and agitating groups that in fact, police deal with untold nonsense every single day—and they handle these situations with grace and fairness.

America is awash in criminality, from the petty to the major. Every community should support providing bodycams for every police officer in the state—because it would prove to the professional agitating class that these men and women who protect the law-abiding among us do an admirable job. It’s imperative our leaders support the average citizen–not liberal groups or coddled criminals. These criminals work quite diligently to make it all the way to prison, so let’s make sure they stay there.
Backfire is a beautiful thing—and that’s exactly what will happen to liberal groups when every officer in America wears a bodycam. As the old saying goes, “Be careful what you wish for, because you just might get it.” Let’s prove to the racehustlers that it is not the police who are the criminals—it’s the criminals.