Behold the Future: Next Stop, Pottersville

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Each Christmas, Americans of all stripes love watching the emotional, poignant, amazing movie “It’s A Wonderful Life.” George Bailey is shown what the world would be like if he had never been born – and oh, what a hole he left behind.

The decrepit, depressing, corrupt Pottersville is what took the place of Americana-personified Bedford Falls.

Ladies and Gentlemen, this dystopian vision shown to George Bailey could soon be our own reality.

Do people TRULY understand what President Trump has so far stopped and what will soon come our way if he loses this election?

I honestly don’t think so.

A lot has been said about election fraud and the outright theft of the 2020 election from President Trump. Some or all of it may be true. But the fraud is so overwhelming only the most totally braindead leftist would deny it occurred.

We’ve heard about the thoroughly corrupt Dominion Voting Systems and government officials who looked the other way as votes were routed overseas. 

We’ve heard rumors about servers in Frankfurt, Germany and Barcelona being raided by the White Hats in military intelligence.

We have seen witnesses being intimidated and even issued death threats or promises of bodily harm if they come forward with what they have seen. 

We’ve witnessed real-time, on-air vote switching from Trump to Biden – where Trump LOST thousands of votes in a split second. 

There were hundreds of thousands of absentee, non-verified ballot dumps all for Biden in the middle of the night. 

Five battleground states (Arizona, Georgia, Michigan, Pennsylvania, Wisconsin) stopped the vote count at EXACTLY the same time (but not really, because they kept counting after those pesky GOP poll challengers left). ALL of those ballot dumps went for Biden.

There are witnesses who talk about truckloads of Biden-only ballots being dropped off, or thousands of blank ballots furiously being filled out for Joe Biden ON THE SPOT. 

Witnesses saw poll workers override voting systems to favor Biden.

USPS workers were told to backdate ballots to November 3, no matter when they came in after Election Day. And this week, brave postal workers testified to driving ALREADY FILLED OUT BIDEN BALLOTS by the hundreds of thousands from New York to Pennsylvania (and other battleground states) before Election Day.

Poll watchers were forced to stay so far away from the counting (with “coronavirus” being the reason) that nobody could see what was actually taking place.

The voter fraud was so overwhelming and coordinated that only the stupidest filthy leftist lemming would say this is a free and fair election.

If President Trump and We the People do not succeed in stopping this theft, our republic as we know it is over.

You may think that’s hyperbole, but consider this: there is no longer any perceptible difference between establishment Republicans and Democrats. If we have people who are more concerned with money and power (or abject fear of Democrats, Twitter, and the media) than the security of our elections and stopping our enemies like China, Iran, Russia, Venezuela, Cuba, and others from helping Democrats to fundamentally transform this country, we are done for.

2020 has been a dress rehearsal for what the worldwide left, which consists of radical globalists and Deep State actors, will look like if they get their way. They’ve even given it a name: The Great Reset.

To this end, the Deep State, Democrats, and compromised Republicans have used COVID-19 (a virus with proven cures/therapeutics with a 99.99x% survival rate) to implement some of their more radical control mechanisms. 

They have locked down much of the country and have bankrupted small businesses of all stripes. Consequently, massive, multi-national, #woke corporations have flourished as small and medium-sized businesses crumbled. 

Bonus: the more people lose their jobs and livelihoods, the quicker they become serfs dependent on the benevolence of Democrats!

They have used fear as a weapon of compliance, peer pressure, and control – and have been very pleased to see just how many people unquestioningly follow along.

The mask – that dreadful mask – has proven to be a very successful gauge of just how many people can be brought to heel in the name of fear. To date, there have been ZERO studies that prove a mask (made of paper, cloth, your hand, a bandana, or that super cute one with kittens on it) stops a virus particle that is .1 micrograms in size. Actually, there are studies that prove a mask does nothing except exopose who is compliant and/or a tyrannical bully and who is a freethinking individual. 

Our malevolent overlords have convinced half this country that wearing a mask “saves lives.” This is a provable lie. But they’re still running with it – and woe be to anyone who pushes back on their insanity. In Los Angeles, people who refuse to wear a mask (because it’s stupid and it doesn’t work) are now considered “domestic terrorists” by certain health officials. (But not Black Lives Matter and antifa. Got it.) 

Consider this: virologists wear a bubble suit with their own oxygen tank when dealing with ACTUAL deadly viruses. If virtue signaling with a filthy paper diaper actually worked, why not prove it? THEY CAN’T, because #MasksDontWork.

But the massive propagandist Rona con job is only one tentacle in the massive beast of globalist conformity.

The media establishment and Deep State actors will continue to lie and say that Joe Biden got the most votes of any presidential candidate in history. Even though he lost 18 of 19 bellwether counties that have traditionally predicted the winner of the presidential election. AND under-performed Barack Obama in every single metro area except, magically, the five blue cities in the five battleground states. AND he couldn’t get 20 people to show up to stand in a bunch of perfectly drawn circles — not even with a shrieking, hysterical Obama in tow. AND even though he and Kamala Harris’ agenda is so unpalatable they wouldn’t even tell the truth about it. No–the Biden juggernaut was just too powerful to overcome!

Let’s talk about what’s going to happen if these awful, power mad psychopaths succeed in changing Bedford Falls into Pottersville.

We already know they will continue to use fear of a virus with a 99.99x% survival rate in order to control the masses. They simply keep moving the goalposts.

Woke corporations have signaled they will enforce mandated vaccinations for COVID-19, promising Americans they will not be able to use their products and services — like flying on an airplane or attending a concert – if they don’t have the Rona vaccine. The vaccine may be safe, but it should never be a requirement for anybody to freely buy, sell, trade, or travel. Again, I ask: has anyone read the Book of Revelation lately?

Our foreign policy will become dangerously tied to Iran, China, and other bad actors. Biden/Harris already signaled they will abandon Israel in favor of returning to the horrific Iran nuclear deal. Bonus: ghoulish John Kerry has already been bragging at the U.N. that “America First” and all for which it stands will be memoryholed post haste.

Janet Yellen, the Deep State financial sorceress, has promised even more printing of paper money and spending America into oblivion. Naturally, China will be there to “help” us out by buying up even bigger chunks of America.

Worldwide corporations have also thrown in 100% with the Marxist thugs of Black Lives Matter and antifa. The hundreds of millions of dollars these companies give these domestic terrorists is then funneled right up to the Democrat party. 

Science denying hysterics who think man can control the weather will use the lie of “manmade climate change” as yet another mechanism of control – and will bankrupt America under the dreadful Paris Climate Accord.

Democrats salivate over open borders and half of the Third World flooding into America to turn us into a permanent Democrat banana republic. We’ll just be the suckers funding it all. After all, you’re a racist if you protest excessive immigration!

Republicans who say “let’s regroup for 2022 and 2024” to take back the House and presidency are either are too stupid or too complicit to understand that Republicans WILL NOT WIN national elections going forward. With the mail in ballot fraud coupled with Dominion Voting Systems alleged vote switching/erasing, the Republican Party and conservative values will be electorally eliminated.

This is the stuff of Civil War. 

I do not think these people understand that we who voted for President Trump know that he WON in a massive landslide. We are frustrated beyond belief that there are seemingly no heroes in this saga except for brave witnesses and lawyers tirelessly working on behalf of President Trump and We the People. 

If the Supreme Court refuses to hear these cases and the Department of Justice or state legislatures fail to act, it truly will be the death knell of our republic. 

Barack Obama was just the appetizer for the globalists’ designs on America.

Nobody thinks Joe Biden will ever be president in actuality. He will be a puppet of the dark forces which put him into power. And waiting in the wings is the demonic Kamala Harris who will be used to implement every single radical idea under the sun.

The censorship and threats to the First Amendment and basic liberties we have experienced in 2020 (with COVID-19 or “disinformation” being used as the excuse to shut down free speech, assembly, worship, and movement) will intensify greatly.

Make no mistake – WE are their target. The people who cling to liberty and freedom and see it rapidly disintegrating are who they are gunning for at full speed.

We must have heroes with the courage to stand up and do what’s right. 

Are you listening, Department of Justice? Are you listening, FBI? Are you listening, Supreme Court? Are you listening, Congress? Are you listening, state legislatures?

You are our last defense against the complete collapse of this republic. Please don’t let us down.


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