Behold the Democrat Dumpster Fire!

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Another day, another Bernie Sanders primary election victory.

On Saturday, Nevada held its Democratic caucus and Bernie Sanders absolutely smoked the competition.

February 18, 2020, Las Vegas, Nevada, USA: Democratic presidential candidate BERNIE SANDERS, I-Vt., speaks at a rally at University of Nevada, on Tuesday. (Credit Image: � Caroline Brehman/Congressional Quarterly via ZUMA Press)

Naturally, the media, who helped create this monster, pretends like they are shocked – just shocked!

You see, they’d rather have an undercover socialist like Barack Obama who rode in on a Trojan horse than a full-fledged, self-confessed democratic socialist/communist like Bernie Sanders.

They are wringing their hands because they thought Mike Bloomberg was going to save them, and then Bloomberg opened his mouth at the debates and another dream went up in smoke.

Democrats and the media (same difference, but I digress) are dumb. They think the only reason Donald Trump appeals to voters is because he’s often blunt and sometimes impolite – and because our world is basically one big reality show at this point, they think the public is as superficial and stupid as they are. They think they can just swap out one billionaire for another. What these morons don’t seem to understand (because they don’t talk to regular people) is that Donald Trump actually has ideas the American people support. Mike Bloomberg doesn’t.

Note to Bloomberg: If Fauxahontas can eviscerate you, you’re not going to be able to stand up to Trump.

This Democrat dumpster fire is delicious.

BEHOLD! The Democrat dumpster fire!!

President Trump is actively rooting for Bernie Sanders to get the nomination. If there’s any justice, he will get it.

Yes, he is scary and loves communism and Fidel Castro. Yes, he honeymooned in the former Soviet Union. Yes, his supporters are brownshirts and thugs who love antifa, but at least you know where you stand with the guy.

The Democrats have catered and pandered to every identity group imaginable offering the sun and the moon solely for power — and now they have backed themselves into a corner.

And the media, who are so used to being able to massage facts and choose the presidential candidate – to elevate and destroy at on a whim – are completely out of control when it comes to both Sanders and Trump.

But, like in 2016 with the Republican field where the establishment was completely out of whack with what their voters actually wanted, the media is realizing that Democrat, grassroots voters don’t actually want a “moderate Democrat.”

Of course, the lie is that ANY of them are moderate at this point. They are not. The Democrat candidates are simply different shades of the same color.

Every single Democrat on the stage is a meddling, despotic, micromanaging busybody who thinks they know what’s best for everybody – and they will shoehorn their unworkable, lunatic ideas onto voters no matter how hard the voters #resist them.

The media is in a complete panic, but why? They helped create Bernie Sanders.

They have been frog marching all of us to the left for the last fifty years. Whether it’s culturally, in academia, or the bureaucratic state, everything has shifted very far to the left. The only things that have kept Democrats and progressives in check are pesky facts.

Liberal policy is founded on one arrogant assumption: that they, a select few, know better than all of us. They know how to better manage a business, the economy, build roads, provide healthcare, and run our lives.

Mandatory Credit: Photo by John Locher/AP/Shutterstock (10561875h)
Democratic presidential candidates, former New York City Mayor Mike Bloomberg, left, and Sen. Elizabeth Warren, D-Mass., talk before a Democratic presidential primary debate, in Las Vegas, hosted by NBC News and MSNBC
Election 2020 Debate, Las Vegas, USA – 19 Feb 2020

Someone who tells voters that everyone else but them is bad and “The Man” has screwed them over (because of race, gender, sexual orientation, economic position, or religion) and they are going to make things “free” is highly appealing to many people who truly have no clue about economics and policy.

Luckily, there are enough people who still rely on actual, objective information over propaganda and the latest leftist cultural trend. But that’s the only thing that’s been keeping the barbarians at the gate.

So now that Bernie Sanders’ unwashed minions are helping him rack up primary victory after primary victory, the media has no one to blame but themselves.

They wanted a leftist “utopia” (a.k.a. an actual nightmare) – and now they have it.

Your annoying, arrogant kid who went off to college and now thinks he knows everything is running for President of United States.

You created this dumpster fire, media. Live with it.

It is going to be such a glorious thing to watch it all burn down.


(Author’s note: I was texting with my friend who has asked to remain nameless. He gave me so many good quotables I just had to add them into my article. Thanks, D!)


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