Glen Doherty.
Tyrone Woods.
Sean Smith.
Ambassador Chris Stevens.
Barack Obama.
Hillary Clinton.
These six names will forever be linked because of September 11, 2012.

They will be linked not only because of the terrorist attack in Benghazi, Libya by radical Muslims–but also for the lies, failure to act, and brazen cover-up by Obama, Clinton, and the entire Obama Administration that followed the brutal torture and murders of Doherty, Woods, Smith, and Stevens.
To understand why an American presidential administration would cover up a Muslim terror attack (wait, I almost forgot of whom I speak—the most “transparent administration in American history”, remember?), you must first remember the political goals of this administration prior to the attack.

Barack Obama was in the middle of his “lead from behind” strategy in dealing with Muslim terrorists. When not inviting the Muslim Brotherhood into the White House, or bragging that practically he alone took out Osama Bin Laden, or vowing to shut down Guantanamo Bay while releasing terrorists back into society, he thought the best way to handle these vicious, seventh century barbarians would be to precipitously withdraw from Iraq and Afghanistan, while at the same time destabilizing “friendly” Muslim regimes in Libya and Egypt.
After destabilizing the entire Middle East, he supported the regimes of Mohamed Morsi (the Muslim Brotherhood-backed despot in Egypt) and the taking out of Libyan crackpot Moammar Qaddafi (Remember: Qaddafi, after he saw what President Bush was willing to do after September 11, 2001, voluntarily submitted to inspections and gave up any ambitions to go nuclear). Both Egypt and Libya, under the “lead from behind” strategy of Barack Obama, were quickly falling apart.

But appearances must be kept.
After all, in just 56 days the Leader of the Free World would face reelection. His bumbling Vice President was out on the campaign trail making bombastic statements. Remember this one? “Bin Laden is dead, and General Motors is alive!” Joe Biden read this careful statement with such confidence from the teleprompter at the DNC convention—and the lapdog media reported it with such admiration—that reality just couldn’t ever be allowed to actually intrude upon the narrative.
And the narratives are this: The Obama Administration has kept us safe. Hillary Clinton is a brilliant Secretary of State. Our strategy of “smart diplomacy” is working. (Smart diplomacy–read: releasing terrorists, promising to close Gitmo, asskissing the Muslim Brotherhood, removing relatively non-threatening Muslim leaders from power only to replace them with tyrants, refusing to acknowledge radical Islam as an existential threat, and destabilizing the Middle East.)

Because the Obama and Clinton narratives myths are such, what happened before, during and after September 11, 2012 was blanketed in lies.
The Benghazi Committee released its final report today. It was truly frightening how quickly the media fell into line—claiming there was “nothing new” and the “Republicans didn’t implicate Hillary.”
This is another lie.
The report is 800 pages long. Rep. Trey Gowdy and the rest of the committee painstakingly made its case against the Obama Administration—an administration which had stonewalled them from the beginning. An administration that lied from the beginning. An administration that covered up its lies from the beginning—all for political gain.

Both Barack Obama and Hillary Clinton are complicit in the ongoing lies and cover up.
The President, Secretary of State Clinton and the rest of the administration knew almost immediately there was an ongoing terror attack in Libya.
Their emails prove it.
From Rep. Jim Jordan and Rep. Mike Pompeo’s addendum to the Benghazi Report: “Officials at the State Department, including Secretary Clinton, learned almost in real time that the attack in Benghazi was a terrorist attack. With the presidential election just 56 days away, rather than tell the American people the truth and increase the risk of losing an election, the administration told one story privately and a different story publicly. They publicly blamed the deaths on a video-inspired protest they knew had never occurred.”
You remember that video, right? The video called “Innocence of Muslims”? That video that was allegedly played around the Muslim world which caused all those Religion of Peacers such consternation? Oh, you never heard of that video until September 12, 2012? That’s funny—because neither had anyone else.

Here’s a link to a story which shows just how many times the Obama Administration lied to the public about the cause of the terrorist attack:
Not only did they lie, and lie repeatedly, in order to cover up for the abject failures of Barack Obama and Hillary Clinton, but they spent $70,000 in taxpayer money (a drop in the bucket to these people) to make and deliver PSAs in Pakistan blaming the video for the terror attack–an attack they knew almost immediately was planned and coordinated by radical Muslim jihadists.
Our people in the State Department sent to Hillary Clinton’s little pet project in Benghazi sent emails begging for extra security—and were repeatedly ignored. In fact, so crucial to the “smart diplomacy” narrative was the projection of competence that Sidney Blumenthal (who was paid $200k a year under by a pro-Hillary Clinton SuperPAC and the goons at the insanely leftwing Media Matters) urged the continuation of this narrative so Hillary could have “history on her side” after the fall of Qaddafi—and so she could take credit for it.

So now it’s all starting to make sense.
Barack Obama was 56 days away from a reelection. The media went out of its way to whitewash his administration’s lies. Mitt Romney, the GOP’s 2012 establishment Presidential nominee, refused to hit him on the facts because he didn’t want to appear racist. Hillary Clinton’s legacy, and standing for her future run for President, was on the line.
A pesky Muslim terrorist attack, on the anniversary of 9/11, in the super-safe, ripe-for-democracy Libya, where Barack Obama’s strategy of “leading from behind” and “smart diplomacy” was front and center could potentially ruin the entire Obama—and Clinton–legacy.
The woman who seeks to be your next President testified about Benghazi in front of Congress. Instead of admitting what she had done, which was to immediately lie to the public and to the families of the dead men and for ten days blame a Muslim terror attack on an irrelevant YouTube video, she doubled down and screeched, “At this point, what difference does it make?”

The reasons she lied, and Susan Rice lied, and Valerie Jarret lied, and Joe Biden lied, and Barack Obama lied were to protect a political legacy. Plain and simple.
Security could have been sent—but that would raise red flags on Obama’s and Clinton’s “smart diplomacy” strategy.
The military could have been discharged—but that would raise red flags on Obama’s and Clinton’s “smart diplomacy” strategy.
The truth could have been told that there was a planned, coordinated Muslim terror attack in Benghazi, Libya on the anniversary of 9/11—but that would raise red flags on Obama’s and Clinton’s “smart diplomacy” strategy.
The ruse of blaming a tiny, inconsequential video that literally nobody knew about could have been jettisoned immediately—but that would raise red flags on Obama’s and Clinton’s “smart diplomacy” strategy.
Barack Obama and Hillary Clinton could have set the record straight immediately—and doubled down on our resolve to pursue Muslim jihadists—but that would raise red flags on Obama’s and Clinton’s “smart diplomacy” strategy.
The word that best sums up this entire nefarious situation is simple: disgusting.
Barack Obama, Hillary Clinton, and the rest of this lot are disgusting liars.
The media is disgusting and contemptible for licking this administration’s boots and carrying their water. They never, EVER holding them accountable.
The Democrat Party is disgusting. They spawn these people and cheer them on regardless of their actions.
Democrat voters are disgusting, braindead fools who would rather whine about “cultural appropriation” and “transgender bathrooms” than hold their leaders accountable for four dead men stuck in an Islamic hellhole of Obama’s and Clinton’s making.
I believe in justice. Hillary Clinton and Barack Obama, along with their sycophants, have a lot of justice coming their way—either in this life or the next.
But it sure would be nice to have them face justice here on Earth. Please, future President Trump—make it happen.