Another Insufferable Athlete Takes a Knee

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Another day, another overpaid, oppressed athlete who thinks taking a knee during the National Anthem is some sort of legitimate protest against SOMETHING.

This time the fake protest comes the shape of the insufferable Seattle soccer player Megan Rapinoe, who, as we all discovered, is a lesbian.

Freedom fighter!! Megan Rapinoe!!
Freedom fighter!! Megan Rapinoe!!

Now, I know that everything is oppressive and everyone is oppressed today. The liberal, black students at Cal State Los Angeles have demanded to be segregated with their own dorms because of all the horrible mircroaggressions done to them by liberal, white professors.

Poor little snowflakes, all of them.


Megan Rapinoe continues the liberal crybaby parade started by Colin Kaepernick, the half black 49ers quarterback raised in luxury by his white adoptive parents. She says that, as a lesbian, she is just completely oppressed, all the time, by all you heteronormative bigots.

I can’t with these people anymore.

These racehustlers and genderhustlers have one thing in common: politically, they are far left liberals. Their politics dictate they must always find a boogeyman and a victim. If they have nothing to bitch about, they feel rudderless and adrift.

The owner of Rapinoe’s opposing team sent out a brilliant statement which was promptly deleted out of fear of being dragged by the rabid, default liberal media and the Social Justice Warriors who love them.

Poor little Social Justice Warrior!
Poor little Social Justice Warrior!

Rapinoe had vowed to “take a knee” during their latest match and so the owners of her opponents decided to preempt her—they played the National Anthem while the players were still in the locker room.

Liberals everywhere were OUTRAGED that an OWNER OF A TEAM would be so insensitive to Megan’s precious needs, and Megan herself threw a pretty good expletive tantrum over it.

So oppressed, Megan is!
So oppressed, Megan is!

So what did the owner’s statement say?

In essence, it called out Megan and other athletes for hijacking our National Anthem, saying there are better ways to “start a conversation about a cause than tarnishing a tradition that is so important to so many.” 

These acts are really designed more to bring attention to themselves, the protestors, than to any cause.  In fact, Rapinoe made this clear when she stepped out onto the field by herself to kneel, rather than kneeling in line with her other teammates, to ensure that she brought maximum attention to herself.

With all its flaws, this is still the freest and best country on earth.  These actions are a rejection of the incredible progress our country has made on race and equality issues over the past fifty years.  They ignore history.  They ignore reality.  I would love for Colin or Meagan to spend five minutes in the paradises of Uganda, or Zimbabwe or Saudi Arabia and see how their “protests” for equality would be treated.

These leftist hacks are never satisfied, always looking for an offense, always looking for someone to blame, and most of America, like me, is OVER IT.

Go. Pound. Sand!






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