Angela Box on Isiah Factor Uncensored — Martha’s Vineyard Doesn’t Want Illegals Either!

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On Isiah Factor Uncensored, I take on two open borders leftists on the unbelievable schadenfreude over Ron DeSantis (THE BEAST) shipping a whopping 50 illegal aliens to the very white, very rich, very ELITE Martha’s Vineyard to watch them freak out and call in the National Guard within 24 hours to get those illegals OUT! It’s the best thing ever watching the hypocrisy on display.


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The Sudden and Irrevocable End of Woke is Like the Sudden and Irrevocable End of Communism Hello, my fellow patriots and filthy leftist stalkers! Thank you for taking the time to watch. This is Angela’s Soap Box, and I say what you’re thinking.