What do these people have in common: Tawana Brawley, Crystal Mangum, Jonathan Butler, and Payton Head? If you answered “Racehustling hoax creators who got busted”–DING DING DING! You’re correct.
This manufactured crisis at the University of Missouri, the latest from members of the Church of the Perpetually Offended, has now reached comical heights. Members of the Grievance Industry happily collected the two scalps of the dhimmified university president Tom Wolfe and super-dhimmified chancellor R. Bowen Loftin, who praised the poor little rich boy grad student, liar, and hunger-strike drama queen Jonathan Butler by saying “I want to acknowledge his extraordinary courage and leadership. A very tough, tough young man, a very focused young man, a very intelligent and forward-looking young man, so we owe him a lot.”

What, exactly, do “we” owe this brave freedom-fighter Jonathan Butler? Let’s see. Butler, who is a grad student in Education Philosophy or something (Jesus take the wheel already), was angry with the university for cutting off his health care. (Sigh. It’s ALWAYS about health care.) The fact is, however, that Butler’s access to university-provided health care was cut off not from the University of Missouri, but President Barack Obama, Butler’s king and personal savior. That’s right! Obamacare makes it ILLEGAL for universities to provide health care to graduate students, and the university was simply complying with the law.
So the scandal starts brewing, with Butler calling out the “institutionalized racism” of the University of Missouri, and going on a self-imposed hunger strike–and all the little spoiled, coddled brats of Generation Hipster started jumping on the racehustling bandwagon. Allegedly, this racism is so widespread nobody has any documentation of any of it! But let’s not let facts get in the way of a good old fashioned Blame Whitey crisis.
Enter Payton Head, the student body president. Head claimed that the KKK was actively intimidating black students on campus, throwing bricks through windows, and doing all the other things a stereotypical raaayyyyssiis would do. Turns out, it’s all a lie. Head had to backtrack and admit he fabricated this claim—but not before he demanded that Tim Wolfe (dhimmified former university president) publically acknowledge his “white male privilege” right before the firing squad had his way with him. (I jest about the firing squad—but at this rate, nothing would surprise me.)

Then the University of Missouri football team (those unstoppable warriors with a 4-8 record) stood up and said they’d boycott all future games (that they are contractually obligated under their full-ride scholarships to play) until the evil Wolfe was dispatched to the Ninth Circle of Hell. And, oh! They had some demands. (Because as college royalty, their lives are just so oppressive.)
The list reads like a left-wing grievance manifesto. It’s all just too, too precious. Some demands include that Satan himself, Tim Wolfe, apologize and acknowledge his “white male privilege” (echoing Payton Head’s demand); that the university fire him immediately; that more “diversity” is required in hiring (with quotas!); that more “social services” (read: your money) be made available for mental health facilities (presumably because there are legions of crazies running around on campus). Actually, after this manufactured hoax, this last demand makes perfect sense.

All of this holier-than-thou racehustling has been championed by the wimp sports journalists and journalists in general, as well as left-wing radicals in all areas of society. But again—most, if not all, of these claims of rampant racism (approximately FOUR and no, that’s not a typo) have been debunked or proven to be wholly manufactured.
But will the University of Missouri and its kale-eating, “Safe Place”-promoting, constantly aggrieved, racism-inventing faculty and staff take notice and put its collective foot down in order to put an end to such a sham? Of course not!
The education system which produces professors (most of whom are rabid liberals) who have told a generation and a half of students how rotten, racist, evil, and horrible America is, suddenly is being turned on by the very brats they’ve brainwashed. Instead of giving these ridiculous incorrigibles a swift kick in the ass, as they are due, the university issued an email talking about “Safe Places” where free speech is curtailed, and urging these delicate little flowers to call the police if someone said something to them that hurt their feelings. Yes, this really happened. I don’t know whether to laugh or cry at the truly bizarre “1984” turn this hoax has taken.
This never-ending mantra of “it’s the seriousness of the charge!” by the collective Left is why these hoaxes continue to abound. Racialist groups convinced that someone in a white hood and a burning cross is around every corner are nothing new.
Look what happened with the liar Tawana Brawley “who gained notoriety in 1987–88 for accusing six white men of having raped her. The charges received widespread national attention because of her age (15), the persons accused (including police officers and a prosecuting attorney), and the shocking state in which Brawley was found after the alleged rape (in a trash bag, with racial slurs written on her body and covered in feces).” (source: Wikipedia)
(Side note: what is with this obsession with racehustlers and errant feces? Poop swastikas, feces all over someone….looks like somebody might have a fetish. Just sayin.)

It turns out, of course, that it was all an elaborate hoax, helped to national prominence by the King of all Racehustlers, Al Sharpton (who continues to be a thorn in the side of normal Americans who work for a living and judge people on character, not skin color). Tawana and Al have now been forced to pay damages for libel and slander to one of the victims of this hoax, but to this day, Sharpton refuses to admit that Brawley lied.
And then there’s Crystal Mangum, the stripper who accused four lacrosse players at Duke University of rape and racist taunts at a party. Practically the entire left-wing faculty of Duke turned on those boys, and they were expelled—with zero evidence of wrongdoing. After a lengthy and incredibly expensive investigation, wherein those four students’ lives were turned inside out, it turns out that, whoopsie! She made it all up. As I am fond of saying: karma’s a bitch, and now Mangum is rotting away in prison after being convicted of the murder of her boyfriend in 2013.

Sadly, these detestable incidents and hoaxes will continue as long as there are racialist groups like Black Lives Matter and the New Black Panther Party and individuals like Jonathan Butler, Payton Head, Al Sharpton, Jesse Jackson and others. It’s not 2015 to these people—it’s constantly 1960, 1920, or, sadly, 1860.
We as Americans, while standing up to actual racism (and I’m not stupid or dense enough to believe it doesn’t exist, but it’s far rarer than groups whose sole purpose is to divide the country would have you believe), must also put down, and quickly, hoaxes such as these. Butler and Head should both be expelled for starting this fiasco over something invented from whole cloth, and both Wolfe and Loftin should be immediately reinstated.
As for the University of Missouri football team? Try winning some games for once.