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Hello, old friends.

It’s been very long time since I’ve written an article because honestly, I felt like I was just repeating myself. I mean it’s the same leftist insanity over and over again, day after day. Covid. Masks. BLM. Denial of biological reality. Open borders.


But as we’ve tragically seen, stolen elections have consequences. Ten months into the fraudulent Biden presidency, America is on the brink of destruction like never before. And it’s all on purpose.

I feel like we are all hanging onto the edge of the cliff, white knuckling it, hanging on for dear life as we watch our beloved country being destroyed right before our eyes.

We have an increasingly tyrannical top-down governmental response to the fake pandemic that never ends.

Every day I wake up and I ask myself, are we still doing this? Are these idiots still wearing masks outside, in their cars, and probably in their homes? Are evil teachers’ unions still forcing children into masks when children don’t get the Rona and masks don’t work anyhow? Is our government still forcing a dubious vaccine down our throats over a virus with a 99.9x% survivability rate? Is this same government still lying about proven therapeutics like hydroxychloroquine and ivermectin? Are the lunatics still putting up plexiglass barriers and stickers on floors telling us to say six feet apart, even after the FDA has admitted the “six foot rule” is simply arbitrary and made up out of thin air? Are the hysterics still believing what comes out of Joseph Mengele’s — I’m sorry, Anthony Fauci — mouth?

Sadly, yes.

Never in the history of the world have so many dark forces aligned to destroy freedom, personal autonomy, privacy, and national sovereignty. This is a worldwide conspiracy to destroy anything in the way of a globalist take over. It is clearer than ever.

And now we’ve got the absolute disaster that Joe Biden caused in Afghanistan.

It breaks my heart to think of the thousands of Americans and Afghan allies still stuck behind enemy lines with the Taliban – as our government ships unvetted, undocumented Afghans into America. This administration is so incompetent that even when the woke military told Joe Biden not to do this, and to leave at least 2,500 troops behind and to get our civilians and equipment out of the country, his arrogance and hatred of Donald Trump (and frankly, of We the People) caused him to withdraw troops before withdrawing civilians and military equipment. The Taliban now has $85 billion worth of our equipment and our American citizens being held hostage. The Crackhead Raggedy Ann a.k.a. Jen Psaki has no response for people who ask why the president lied to the American people about what the military told him to do. She just circles back and says it’s a “private conversation.”

Then we have the unmitigated disaster unfolding on our southern border. If anything proves what an absolute SCAM the last year and ten months has been, it is this.

Because Democrats know they can’t win elections fairly, they must import the Third World into America to make up for the election fraud they can’t commit anymore because THEY GOT CAUGHT in the 2020 election. So, the Third World has been shipped to Mexico and Central America by George Soros-connected groups, and then caravanned right to our border.

After all, how did 15,000 Haitians get to the Mexican border? Answer: they were flown in by leftist groups hell-bent on destroying this country. These people are not vetted, not tested for Covid, not forced into masks, not forced to do anything the American people are forced to do by our tyrannical government. Which, once and for all, proves this isn’t a pandemic at all. It’s about control, money, and power. These evil people will never voluntarily relinquish what they’ve gained by force and lies. And bonus! Our put-upon border patrol is treated like garbage by this fraudulent, criminal administration.

The elites in America and around the world are not even pretending anymore. The “Let them eat cake” crowd are openly saying: “We are better than you and your rules don’t apply to us.” Look no further than the Emmys, Oscars, the Met Gala, and other displays of wealth and arrogance. Only “the help” are forced into masks. The worthless blue checkmarked don’t have to wear them, #BecauseScience. There are hundreds of examples of elites laughing it up with each other, with masks off when they think the media isn’t taking pictures, and then masks on when the cameras start rolling. They truly hate us, and they think we are as stupid as their brainwashed, idiot constituencies.

Joe Biden has lurched so far to the left that he is claiming a $3.5 trillion “infrastructure” bill will cost “zero dollars.” And because our Soviet-level propagandist media never asks actual questions to this criminal administration, idiotic statements like this go unchallenged.

Because they hate us and know they can’t win elections fairly, Democrats claim illegal aliens receiving amnesty is “human infrastructure” – which proves, as usual, that Democrats love slavery. His Green New Deal climate nightmare has already destroyed hundreds of thousands of jobs in the energy sector. He’s on track to losing five million more. The far left has completely taken over the Democrat party, and all “moderates” are being purged. People like West Virginia Sen. Joe Manchin will not be able to survive in their Brave New World.

The Arizona audit last week revealed massive fraud and criminal activity by Democrat operatives (and compromised Republicans) in Maricopa County. These patterns are now seen in elections throughout the country. However, the media couldn’t care less. They are pretending that the only thing the audit did was prove that Joe Biden won — and by an even bigger margin than they thought! The lies these people tell are just growing exponentially. I assure you: Joe Biden did not win Arizona. Nor did he win Wisconsin, Pennsylvania, Michigan, Georgia, or perhaps even Nevada and Minnesota. There was massive fraud throughout all fifty states. If we don’t get this under control, our country is finished. And, unsurprisingly, Democrats are doing everything they can to federalize elections so they can cheat forever.

There is so much more Democrats, media, Big Tech, Hollywood, sports, education bureaucrats, and other leftists are doing to destroy us. This just scratches the surface.

So, when I say that America is hanging by a cliff, I’m not kidding.

However, we are seeing signs of life. Good people are fighting this anti-American, anti-human, anti-freedom agenda. They are fighting back against vaccine mandates, repugnant critical race theory, and masking children (and adults) in schools and other institutions.

But it’s got to be more than that. In every way and every single day, we have to push back against these lunatics. Get involved at the local level. Get involved at the state level. Tell your friends what is really going on. Don’t be afraid of being called a racist or an anti-vaxxer or any of the other stupid names they call us. They mean nothing. It’s time to get in the fight – or this country is done.

Perhaps this is what America needed to experience to fully understand. Ladies and gentlemen, this is what happens when you install a criminal, fraudulent administration full of gender and race studies majors. It’s a disaster.

Perhaps this is what we needed to see and feel in order to right this ship. Most democracies only last about 250 years before degenerating into garbage. We are close to that milestone.

Will we succumb to the radical left and the globalists seeking to destroy us, or will we fight back to reclaim this country as our Founders demanded that we do? Benjamin Franklin was famously asked after signing the Constitution if we had just established a monarchy or a republic. He responded: “A republic…if you can keep it.”

We are being tested like never before. Will we keep our republic, or devolve into madness?

Only We the People can fix this. It’s time for all of us to step up and DO IT.

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