Add Another Two Impeachable Offenses to Obama’s List of Horribles

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Buckle up, America. We have a little over a year left of #PresidentSleeperCell’s deplorable administration and I have a feeling we are in for a helluva ride.

This week, we have seen two more examples of Barry Soetero’s constant war on America and American values.

The Army this week rightfully decided to go forward with the court martial of deserter Bowe Bergdahl, over the objections of the Obama administration. (I will remind you that one of Obama’s chief spinmeisters Susan Rice said that Berghal “served the United States with honor and distinction.”) Let that sink it. They actively lobbied against bringing this deserter and traitor to America to justice.

Bowe Bergdahl with a Taliban terrorist. He seems traumatized, no?
Bowe Bergdahl with a Taliban terrorist. He seems traumatized, no?

Bergdahl left his post in 2009 and was subsequently captured by those sweet little Taliban fighters he allegedly wanted to join up and fight with, held for five years, and was released in 2014 after Obama traded five Guantanamo Bay terrorists for him. Several of the innocent little jihadist lambs have subsequently gone back into the battlefield to fight for Allah and radical Islam.

During his victory lap, Obama trotted out Bergdahl’s parents (his daddy sported quite the Talibanish beard—an homage of sorts?) to the Rose Garden and bragged on himself how he had helped to free this brave prisoner of war.

#PresidentSleeperCell and Bowe Bergdahl's parents in the Rose Garden. Nice beard!
#PresidentSleeperCell and Bowe Bergdahl’s parents in the Rose Garden. Nice beard!

Turns out, Bergdahl wasn’t. Far from it. Because Bergdahl deserted and attempted to join the enemy, six of his fellow platoon members lost their lives searching for him and attempting to rescue him. Because Bergdahl deserted and attempted to join the enemy, Obama released five Islamic nutjob terrorists back into the wild. Because Bergdahl deserted and attempted to join the enemy, Obama held him up as some sort of hero—when in fact, he is a traitor.

But never let facts or love of America get in the way of this man and his nefarious administration! Obama’s investigators recommended far less than a court martial—which is the stiffest judicial outcome Bergdahl could expect. They deemed that a court martial and prison would be “inappropriate.” How in the world could a court martial and prison time be inappropriate for a traitor? Only in Obamaland would that be inappropriate. Let the court martial commence!

Now let’s look at an even more disturbing head-scratcher from this overtly America-hating administration. When Syed Farook and Tafsheen Malik (who wore a burqua to cover her face for a reason, if you catch my drift) were exposed to be—SHOCK OF ALL SHOCKS (except to anyone with a functioning frontal lobe)—Islamic terrorists acting in the name of Islam when they gunned down 14 and wounded 22 at a workplace Christmas party in San Bernardino in early December, we all wondered how this could happen. Weren’t the steadfast bureaucrats of the Obama administration tirelessly working to “thoroughly vet” anyone who was attempting to enter America from potential terrorist hot beds like….well, basically most of the Middle East and large swaths of Africa and Asia? Didn’t they assure us that it was really quite the fluke that the lovely Tafsheen was able to enter on a fiancé visa?

Islamic terrorists Syed Farook and Tafsheen Malik
Islamic terrorists Syed Farook and Tafsheen Malik

Oh, did I say fluke? I meant, it was totally expected.

Notwithstanding this administration’s outright refusal to secure our borders and expel illegals of all stripes, earlier this week the Obama administration’s truly insane “vetting” processes have been revealed. When I say this man should be impeached, for a whole host of reasons, this has got to be at the top of the list. Obama and his flunkies in the Department of Homeland Security, under the esteemed leadership of Jeh (What? Was “Jay” taken?) Johnson directed agents to IGNORE OR NOT INVESTIGATE potential immigrants’ social media pages. (Like, because, like, it’s totally an invasion of a terrorist’s privacy and the ACLU would, like, totally look down upon it.) Except FACEBOOK AND TWITTER AND ALL THE REST are public forums and Malik was posting her love of ISIS and jihad as early as a few days before the terrorist attack! She also, during her visa application, completely invented a street in Pakistan on which she lived, and, call me crazy, but shouldn’t THAT be a part of the “thorough” vetting process?

We’ve also gotten a glimpse of the truly Through the Looking Glass, Bizarro World, assbackwards practices of questioning of potential terrorists who are just searching for jobs and the American dream. (Thank you, Marie Harf, for the #JobsForISIS gift that keeps on giving.)

Since 2012, the FBI has been under a directive by the Obama administration that states: “Training must emphasize that no investigative or intelligence collection activity may be based solely on race, ethnicity, national origin, or religious affiliation.  Specifically, training must focus on behavioral indicators that have a potential nexus to terrorist or criminal activity, while making clear that religious expression, protest activity, and the espousing of political or ideological beliefs are constitutionally protected activities that must not be equated with terrorism or criminality absent other indicia of such offenses.” (Full article by Kerry Picket: read more:

In other words, agents who are “thoroughly vetting” these sweet and docile fighting-aged Syrian refugees and others trying to get into America aren’t allowed to ask what religion someone is, their thoughts on jihad, their thoughts related to Christians and Jews, or if they’ve ever expressed support for crazy seventh century barbarians.

(Side note: guess what? A newly highlighted Pew poll released in 2013 shows that 8%–and growing—of AMERICAN Muslims do indeed support terror and jihad. Nothing to see here, right?

This latest round of perplexing, anti-common sense tactics from the most anti-American, radical left administration in history makes zero sense to most people not enthralled with baking shows, teen moms, shark tanks, or what those two human trashbags Kim and Kanye named their latest moneymaker.

It makes zero sense until you start connecting the dots about who Obama is, where his sympathies lie, and who he supports. He has always been this leftist, he’s always been a Muslim (radical or otherwise) sympathizer, and he’s always hated this country. I predict during his last year we will see even more naked hatred for America, its people, its traditions, its culture, its dominant religion, and everything good and decent in the world.

As someone once said: You ain’t seen nothin’ yet.

Barack Hussein Obama is not finished with us. Not by a long shot.


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