A Tale of Two Realities

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On the brilliant drama “The Man in the High Castle” (yes, it’s on Amazon Prime and if you haven’t bit the bullet for Jeff Bezos just yet, consider doing it for this show) people are living in an alternate universe where the Nazis and the Japanese won World War II.

However, little do most of them know, there is actually another world where the Allies won the war. It’s kind of a “dueling realities” premise with the expectation that the good guys will win in the end.

The Man in the High Castle asks the question: What if the Nazis had won WW2?

I feel like our friends on the political left are living in this alternate reality.

Of course, according to them, it’s conservatives who are members of the Nazi regime rounding up gays, Muslims, transgenders, Jews, blacks, Hispanics, and anyone who isn’t pure and white and sending them to the Gulag.

It’s the kind of dystopia Liberals are fond of pretending exists.

Like with the “Handmaid’s Tale” (an unwatchable pile of bilge which inexplicably won a ton of Emmys so now it’s assumed to be relevant and thought-provoking), liberals actually do believe the utter nonsense they read and hear on 90% of the media.

Take, for example, the latest hysteria over the 2016 Trump Tower meeting with Donald Trump Jr. and Natalia Veselnitskya, a Russian lawyer.

The garbage pile known as The Handmaid’s Tale

Forget the fact that President Trump last year acknowledged the meeting was ostensibly to discuss opposition research aimed at Hillary Clinton–which is what all campaigns do.

Forget the fact that Veselnitskya was briefed by the Hillary Clinton-connected Fusion GPS before going into the meeting.

Forget the fact that when the meeting began she talked about Russian adoption and had no dirt at all on Clinton.

Forget the fact that 30 minutes into the meeting, both Jared Kushner and Donald Trump Jr. both exited Stage Left because the exchange was pointless.

Forget the fact that the president has always said he never knew about the meeting before it happened, and regardless it was irrelevant. It is not a crime to get opposition research on another candidate (as anyone who’s been involved with political campaigns knows).

Nataia Veslanitskya and Donald Trump Jr.

Even if we disregard everything we’ve been asked to forget, there are some realities liberals simply cannot refute.

Hillary Clinton, with the help of Fusion GPS and the money-laundering law firm Perkins Coie, commissioned the Christopher Steele dossier which was made up of uncorroborated Russian lies and unsubstantiated gossip.

Another fun fact: Fusion GPS had a high-level employee, Nellie Ohr, who has a husband who just happened to work for the Obama Justice Department under Deputy Attorney General Sally Yates.

Under oath in England, Christopher Steele (who first worked for the FBI and then, after he was “fired”, worked under-the-table for the FBI using Bruce Ohr, Nellie Ohr, and Fusion GPS as a cover), had to admit that his entire bombshell dossier was “raw intelligence” and he couldn’t verify its veracity.

The tangled web gets more entangled: Christopher Steele, Glen Simpson, Bruce Ohr, Nellie Ohr

That unverified dossier was the primary basis to get four FISA warrants to spy on Trump associates. These warrants were signed by Rod Rosenstein, who is now Deputy Attorney General and is in charge of the Russia probe into Donald Trump–because he snookered Jeff Sessions into recusing himself from the case.

It’s all so twisted and convoluted.

The reality is there is no collusion between Donald Trump and Russia. Even if there was, collusion itself is not a crime.

If it was, surely Rep. Adam Schiff of California would be ensnared in its grip for colluding with two Russian radio comedians who claimed to have naked pictures of Trump which Vladimir Putin knew about. Schiff plainly asked to receive those pictures in order to hurt Trump’s candidacy. It was all a radio stunt, but the Congressman fell for it. Surely, if collusion was a crime, Schiff would be a defendant in his own trial by now.

But what is a crime is the Obama Administration spying on Americans using unsubstantiated and unverified gossip–in order to invent a case against the opposition presidential candidate–and use the levers of justice to illegally spy on Americans.

But liberals don’t know any of this. Their media simply does not report it.

They don’t know about Fusion GPS or Perkins Coie or the fact that Christopher Steele under oath had to admit the dossier was all a bunch of unsubstantiated pap.

They think it’s gospel.

Also consider the case of the millennial racist twit Sarah Jeong. This esteemed journalist is now a member of the New York Times editorial board.

She was busted hard last week when people who know her best started going through her Twitter and found the most vile, bigoted, racist, anti-white, anti-police officer tweets you can imagine.

The internet is forever, Sarah.

To prove the point that liberals live in their own reality, conservative activist Candace Owens took Jeong’s tweets and replaced the words “white” with “black” or “Jewish” and sent them out—with the explanation that would prove that some words are considered “hate speech” by the liberal Stasi and some were not.

Owens was almost immediately suspended by Twitter.

Twitter had no problem with Sarah Jeong tweeting those things, but Candace Owens switching out a couple of words was cause for immediate suspension.

Radical millennial snowflake racist twit Sarah Jeong

Then there’s the case of Alex Jones. Like him or not, he has been proven right about a lot of things. I don’t buy into any Sandy Hook conspiracies, and that’s the one example the left always cites as a reason not to believe him at all.

Apple, Facebook, and YouTube all have kicked Jones’ InfoWars off their platforms for “hate speech”. Jones simply brings light to the truth and exposes the media for the frauds they are – and for that he must be silenced.

Of course, if you’re a member of Black Lives Matter, Antifa or any other leftist terrorist organization, you can say and do whatever you want on YouTube, Apple, Google, Twitter, Yahoo, Reddit, Facebook, or any other domain. You can make threats against police officers, whites, Southerners, and Christians and nothing happens to you.

One of my favorite things to do lately is to watch YouTube compilations of liberals freaking out when they realize Donald Trump won the 2016 election.

Every single poll and media outlet in the world predicted Hillary Clinton would win in a landslide. It is really something to behold to watch the media crumble right before your eyes when they realize that everything they thought was going to happen didn’t.

The Young Turks had a baaaad night on Election Night 2016

So, one of two things happened in liberals’ reality.

Normal America said “screw you” to the pollsters and lied to them –which I find delicious – or their polls were lying to them because they read into it something that didn’t exist.

Watching the extreme media freak out about what was going to happen to women, gays, Muslims, blacks, Hispanics, transgenders, and silver-striped unicorns if Donald Trump actually assumed the presidency was hysterical.

They’re still in that mode of denying reality.

Your tears will always be delicious!

It doesn’t matter how good the economy is, how low unemployment is, how Americans’ optimism is growing not shrinking, and how our role in the world has been strengthened because people realize, once again, America is not here to play.

While leftist rage is ramping up–with a growing number of physical and verbal attacks on Trump officials and outspoken conservatives– the rest of America is pretty happy. But in the alternative universe liberals inhabit, any day now Trump is going to be taken out to the woodshed and all of those evil “alt-right” people are going to be exterminated.

As the midterms gear up, I expect Normal America to lie to pollsters again, simply to watch the media’s heads explode again on election night 2018.

Liberals and the media deserve our wrath.

We are sick of these hysterics treating us all like country bumpkins who are too stupid to add 2+2 = 4. When we loudly chant “Media sucks!” at Trump rallies, we damn sure mean it.

So–let’s let liberals continue to live in their alternate universe. The rest of us will live in the real world.

And those of us in the real world are flourishing.



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