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This is a picture of a clock.


This is a picture of the “clock” a 14 year old freshman at MacArthur High School in Irving, Texas named Ahmed Mohammed brought to school.


One of these things is not like the other.

Poor misunderstood Ahmed Mohammed was detained by police after his teacher wisely contacted authorities and brought to their attention little Ahmed’s ingenuity, which, to a rube’s eye, MIGHT just SLIGHTLY resemble a suitcase bomb.

Ahmed is Muslim and so, of course, after his arrest his family immediately started fanning the flames of “Islamophobia!”—because, as Barack Obama’s former henchman Rahm Emmanuel once said, one should “Never let a crisis go to waste.”

Naturally, our president, who NEVER jumps to conclusions on anything before all the facts are known (cough cough Henry Louis Gates, Trayvon Martin, Michael Brown, Freddie Gray), immediately jumped on the oh-so-convenient Islamophobia bandwagon little Ahmed and his family concocted.

Obama couldn’t be dragged away from his golf game long enough to say a thing if this kid were a Christian or a Jew tormented by Muslims, a disabled veteran, a county clerk in Kentucky who was jailed for refusing to certify gay marriages, a little girl who had her genitals mutilated by a radical Muslim or a cop in Houston murdered by a THUG who had been brainwashed to hate whitey by Obama, #BlackLivesMatter, the Black Panther Party and various other miscreants.

However, this “star student” brings to school a homemade “clock” that could be construed as a bomb, is briefly detained over it, and the clown ruining my country decides to fly him and his family on taxpayer money to the White House to grouse with him on how racist and evil everyone in America is against Muslims.

Something stinks here, people.

First of all, every first grader who’s made a gun out of a Pop Tart or a gun sign with his fingers knows about the insipidly stupefying “Zero Tolerance Policy” hyper-sensitive school districts have imposed for at least the last 15-20 years. Ahmed would be no exception. How on earth could he not think what he concocted would NOT be perceived as a weapon—regardless of his heritage or religion?

It doesn’t matter if you’re brown, white, purple, red, black or polka-dotted: a teacher has a duty to report ANYTHING suspicious—and she did the right thing.

I submit that this is a massive set up against the school by Ahmed, orchestrated by his father, Mohamed ElHassan Mohamed (catchy name) who has a history of attempting to manipulate media in favor of Islam.

In 2011, ElHassan sought to claim the spotlight as the defense attorney for the Koran during a mock trial of the book, run by Rev. Terry Jones of Dove World Outreach Center, a small nondenominational Christian church that was located in Gainesville, Florida. When the Koran was found “guilty” and was burned by Jones, ElHassan feigned sorrow and shock. Also in 2011, ElHassan took on the fierce radical Islamist fighter Robert Spencer on the topic “Does Islam Respect Human Rights?” (No, not particularly.) This poor, misunderstood Muslim has been itching for publicity for quite a while: and now he’s found his vehicle—through his gullible son. He’s even gone so far to say his son was “tortured” by police and school officials.

This would be laughable and an obvious political stunt if we had a media and a president willing to take off their Muslim cheerleading uniforms for one second and see the nefarious and underhanded motivations behind this act.

Little Ahmed is positively giddy and glowing at all the attention and presumably money being thrown his way. Not only is Obama showering praises on a teenager who brought what looks uncannily like a suitcase bomb to school, but so is the insufferable Mark Zuckerberg of Facebook, as is Ellen DeGeneres and Stephen Colbert and all the rest of the suck-up, Muslim-asskissing media.

Here’s a little food for thought.

If Ahmed Mohamed was named John Smith, a Christian or Jewish boy who had been in public school his whole life and knew very well about the “Zero Tolerance” policy regarding weapons or perceived weapons, and little Johnny brought in what every single normal human being on the planet would think looked a lot like a suitcase bomb, what would’ve happened to John?

John would’ve been arrested, just like Ahmed.

But, you see, John wouldn’t have a grievance pot to piss in because he’s not one of the permanently offended Muslim class. He would’ve been detained and released…just like Ahmed was.

No fanfare, no publicity, no Ellen DeGeneres or Stephen Colbert calling. No fawning hashtags of #IStandWithJohn.

And you can damn sure bet Barack Obama would’ve never been dragged away from his golf game to say a word about it.

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