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An open letter to Republicans:

Earth to Congress: we want the Trump agenda.

Stop screwing us around.

We want the wall built. We want Mexico to pay for it. Charging a 35% tax on all remittances back to Mexico would pay for it! We want legal immigration from the Third World dramatically curtailed. We want illegal aliens deported. Those who somehow remain get no welfare of any kind, whether that comes in the form of food stamps, WIC, healthcare, education or whatever. We must stop rewarding people who have blatantly broken our laws with taxpayer freebies.


We want tax reform. We don’t want to soak the rich. Rich people create jobs! Small business people create jobs! Give the American people the tax reform they demand. We want either the Flat Tax, Fair Tax, or three brackets… 32%, 15% and 10%. We want a 15% corporate tax. Newsflash: If corporations have lower taxes they can create more jobs. This is a simple economic concept you people seem to have forgotten.

We want President Trump to have the ability to kick the hell out of Islamic terrorists and call them by name. We don’t want any more lily-livered attempts to make exceptions by saying “not all Muslims…”.  We want the travel ban expanded to include any country which harbors terrorists or has a radicalized Muslim population. We DO NOT WANT to become like Europe, where insane immigration policies and rapidly changing demographics have rendered them impotent sitting ducks for Muslim terror.

Mitch McConnell, alleged Senate leader, leads only in his ability to screw over the Trump Agenda.

We want Obamacare killed. Not softened down, not Obamacare-lite. We want it dead. This monstrosity has caused premiums to skyrocket and cause “insurance” to be totally unusable—unless you are receiving a taxpayer subsidy. (And guess what? Those people won’t vote for you anyway!) Go back to what we had before until you braintrusts can figure out something to do. You have had seven years to work this out and where is your plan? Try these ideas! We want insurance to be able to be purchased across state lines. We want co-ops and doctors to have the ability to provide concierge service with a flat, low monthly rate for primary care. We want the ability to purchase catastrophic insurance. We want people to understand that insurance is not a welfare payment.

Ditto to Paul Ryan.

Speaking of welfare, we want spending slashed. We want the federal government to reign in its out-of-control pork and spending on special interests. We want the Penny Plan, where one cent of every federal dollar is cut from every agency for the next five years. Guess what? Amazingly, by just doing this one thing, the federal budget would be balanced!

We want America to kick ass and take names again, and be unapologetic about it. In short, we want exactly what President Donald J. Trump is doing–with little to no help from you!

The Freedom Caucus: basically the only thing Republicans have going for them.

If you lose control of Congress in the Midterm Elections in 2018, it will be not be because of President Trump. It will be because the American people are disgusted by Congress and their ability to get substantial parts of the Trump agenda passed. The American people are sick of your feckless, weak, obsequious behavior.

You are more worried about offending Democrats and the New York Times than you are worried about deliberately pissing off the people who put you in the office.

You’re like little windup dolls succumbing to their IDIOTIC, baseless demands to investigate the Nothingburger of Trump/Russia collusion. Do Democrats EVER act like you buttkissers when they’re in charge? NO. Never. As you may notice, there was NEVER a Special Counsel to investigate the plethora of Obama abuses; Eric Holder was even HELD IN CONTEMPT of Congress and literally NOTHING happened to him.

This has to stop.

So Congress, you are on notice. The American people are fed up. We are NOT upset with President Trump. On the contrary, We The People demand the Trump agenda.

Now get off your butts and get it done.

Try it his way.
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