Ding Dong, Barry: the Bell Tolls for Thee

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This week we have seen more evidence that not only was President Trump correct about the Obama administration surveilling Trump Tower, but that it probably goes far deeper than even he imagined.

We already know that the Obama NSA (National Security Agency) had the ability to mask their activities by claiming hacks were performed by Russia or China. We know that since the election of President Trump no evidence of Russian collusion with the Trump campaign has been discovered. We know that in September, 2015, Evelyn Farkas—an Obama administration official–admitted there was surveillance occurring at Trump Tower. (Keep in mind that Donald Trump announced for the presidency in June 2015. Why in the world was Obama surveilling Trump Tower at that point?)

Enter Susan Rice, the former National Security Advisor and Ambassador to the United Nations under Barack Obama. Rice is the woman who, under orders from President Obama, blamed the terrorist attack in Benghazi on a video. She also asserted that Bowe Bergdahl, the Army deserter who later joined the Taliban, served the United States with distinction. We’ve now learned she may have ordered the unmasking of incidental wiretapping subjects done at Trump Tower. In other words, there was surveillance done on American citizens having normal conversations which have nothing to do with Russia, and in fact, the entire Trump/Russia “collusion” looks to be nothing but a political invention.

Susan Rice, one of Obama's favorite fall-guys.
Susan Rice, one of Obama’s favorite fall-guys.

There are spreadsheets compiled by Rice that prove she not only ordered the surveillance but had compiled lists of legal conversations undertaken by Trump campaign officials. This activity started around October 2015. Again—WHY? Everyone said Trump would implode and had no chance of securing the nomination.  

What Rice did—and I don’t doubt for one second Barack Obama ordered her to do it–had nothing to do with Russian interference and everything to do with politics—because the ultimate goal was to destroy Donald Trump.

If you take at face value what the Democrats and the media are telling you, magically around October of 2016, every media outlet somehow suddenly started to talk about Russian ties with Donald Trump. Keep in mind, although Julian Assange of WikiLeaks has said dozens of times that Russia—nor any state actor–had nothing to do with the DNC (Democrat National Convention) hacking that led to the revelations of their abysmal behavior, the press and Democrats wouldn’t let it go. It HAD to be Russia.

Donald Trump was more right about surveillance on Trump Tower than he could've ever known.
Donald Trump was more right about surveillance on Trump Tower than he could’ve ever known.

If you believe the Democrats and the media, even though immediately after the election President Obama and his surrogates said there was no evidence of hacking or vote tampering, they would like for you to believe that Russia surpasses the Great and Powerful Oz in its ability to tamper with elections.

If you believe the Democrats and the media, Russia marched 52 million Americans to the polls on November 8 and told them to push a button for Donald Trump and Mike Pence.

If you believe the Democrats and the media, the Russians caused the DNC and Debbie Wasserman-Schultz to collude to deny the nomination to Bernie Sanders in addition to spewing anti-Semitic, racist, and misogynist comments when they thought nobody was looking.

If you believe the Democrats and the media, you believe that Russia caused Hillary Clinton to engage in a pay-to-play scheme using the State Department and the Clinton Foundation. You also believe that they caused her to install a private email server in her basement and in a bathroom in a Colorado storefront in order to hide her communication while she was Secretary of State.

If you believe the Democrats and the media, you believe they caused Hillary Clinton’s health to become a major issue in the campaign and her fall heard ‘round the world on September 11 must’ve been coordinated by them.

Evelyn Farkas, the Obama administration official who outed the whole thing.
Evelyn Farkas, the Obama administration official who outed the whole thing.

If you believe the Democrats and the media, you believe that Russia was working with liberal activist groups and husbands of congresswomen to purposefully and violently disrupt Trump rallies in order to blame it on Trump supporters.

If you believe the Democrats and the media, you believe that WikiLeaks somehow invented and twisted the information they (Wikileaks) got directly from the DNC. 

If you believe the Democrats and the media, you must think that the Russians forced Hillary Clinton to employ a woman named Huma Abedin whose family has ties to the Muslim Brotherhood and whose mother edited a magazine that promoted female genital mutilation and Sharia Law.

If you believe the Democrats and the media, you believe that Russia manipulated employment numbers to show 95 million Americans out of the workforce, a regressive energy policy, insane environmental and banking regulations, and far-left policies that stifle innovation and business. They also allowed into America a free-flow of illegal immigrants, a wreck of a foreign policy, and constant racehustling by the leftist thugs in Black Lives Matter that caused riots, major unrest and hatred of whites and police officers.

If you believe the Democrats and the media, you believe that Donald Trump was colluding with Russia as far back as June 2015. For what purpose? Who knows–but by God, he was! He had just announced his candidacy for President. It was an Obama administration official (Evelyn Farkas) who let the proverbial cat out of the bag about the Trump surveillance timetable. Whoopsie!

If you believe the Democrats and the media, you believe that Barack Obama never promised Vladimir Putin that after his 2012 election he would have more flexibility, or that Hillary Clinton promised a Russian Reset, or worked with several other Obama administration agencies to ensure that Russia receive 20% of our uranium in exchange for a massive donation to the Clinton Foundation and a $500,000 speaking engagement for her husband Bill Clinton. And let’s not forget the Democrat party’s century’s-long affinity for all things Russia and Communist!

When Donald Trump tweeted the now famous accusation against the Obama administration, that Trump Tower had been surveilled and it had gone on for a very long time, the media and the Democrats mocked him. Not only was Trump correct, but this botulism-filled can of worms is about ready to explode.

It’s almost as if the media was led by their noses by the Obama administration who knew their ideological bent and knew the media would do Obama’s bidding. They whispered in their ears that there might be an issue with Trump and Russia and wham!– every media outlet on the planet begin reporting it.

Barry is vacationing in French Polynesia with 54 of his closest male friends. Ahem.
Barry is vacationing in French Polynesia with 54 of his closest male friends. Ahem.

Because they have been so duped by their extreme leftist ideology and by the lies of Barack Obama, they will now refuse to cover what possibly is the biggest political scandal in the history of the United States. This would make Watergate look like Amateur Hour.

Unfortunately for them, not only is there a new sheriff in town, but also a new media. We the People are learning more and more every day how corrupt the media and how corrupt Washington bureaucracy truly are.

While Barry vacays for a month with 50 of his closest “male friends” in French Polynesia, Susan Rice, as well as other Obama Administration officials, will be called to testify before the House and Senate Intelligence Committees. That is, unless they are magically suicided first.

I wouldn’t put anything past these people.

Ding dong, Barry. The bell tolls for thee.


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