Trump Enforces Immigration Law; the Left Melts

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I’ve been thinking. Maybe California should’ve spent their taxpayers’ money on securing the Oroville damn rather than spending zillions on illegal aliens and their children.

Instead of spending money on illegals, California should've spent money on their dams!
Instead of spending money on illegals, California should’ve spent money on their dams!


This week we have seen the beginnings of the deportations promised by President Trump. As also promised, the Collective Left has lost their minds.

President Trump made deporting criminal aliens a priority. So far, 75% of those deported or rounded up have been criminal illegal aliens.


But in my book, although I want criminal illegals deported– because the people who have to live with them in their communities are the ones who suffer, not the liberal elites in Beverly Hills, Palm Beach, Georgetown and the Hamptons, it’s important to reset the notion of the fundamental notion of the rule of law.

Illegal aliens consume approximately $100 billion a year in taxpayer subsidies. They bilk taxpayer money in the form of education, healthcare, welfare–in addition to identity fraud, voter fraud, and tax fraud.


Liberals are shrieking at the $20 billion it’s going to cost to build the wall (which Mexico is STILL going to pay for, by the way) but they have no sympathy or answers for the parents who have children killed by illegal aliens, the schools that are being ruined by illegal aliens, the hospital ER rooms that are overrun by illegal aliens, and the communities torn apart by immigration Balkanization and a blatant refusal to assimilate.

The Left only wants amnesty for illegal immigrants because they know that, if amnestied, former illegals would vote for Democrats, because Democrats take money from taxpayers and give it to people who have not earned it. They need a perpetual underclass.

20 years ago Bill Clinton sounded like Donald Trump when speaking about illegal aliens. In 2015, even Barack Obama said that we are a nation of laws—before saying illegal aliens “deserved” amnesty after breaking those laws.

 Talk to a parent of a child who has been killed by an illegal alien. See their pain. When you talk about separating families, let’s talk about those families who have been separated by an illegal alien who killed their family member. Furthermore, these people that have broken our laws need to take their children with them back over the border.


Isn’t it ironic that the country of Mexico is now spending millions of dollars through their wealthiest residents to attempt to keep their poorest and least educated citizens sucking on the teats of American taxpayers? They are actively seeking to clog up American courts so their citizens are not sent back to Mexico. What does that tell you?

The lie that the best and brightest are illegally crossing into our country en masse is a joke. Gangs, rapists, murderers, drug deals, cartel members, and probably terrorists have been slipping over our border for far too long. Both Republicans and Democrats are to blame. We now have a President who has put his foot down—and by God he’s going to do exactly what he told the American people he would do. 

The bottom line is this, illegals. Don’t break our laws, and don’t test American sovereignty, and your families won’t be separated. Let that be a life lesson to you.

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