Let’s Send the Ninth Circuit on a Somalia Vacation!

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The Ninth Circuit Court of Appeals did what most of us knew what they would do and thumbed their noses at the rule of law and the American people when they upheld a Seattle judge’s block of President Trump’s travel ban.

The seven Muslim-majority counties banned by Trump's travel ban.
The seven Muslim-majority counties banned by Trump’s travel ban.

Their reasoning was faulty and laid bare the leftist bias of the court. They used Trump’s campaign rhetoric as proof that the ban was “anti-Muslim” even though the President had clarified his statements several times—that, in fact, it was not a “Muslim ban” but rather a ban on parts of the world which breed terrorists.

Furthermore, to infer anything from the campaign trail instead of the brief placed before them reeks of judicial activism—which the Ninth Circuit is infamous for promoting.

They ignored the reality that it was the Obama Administration which had originally labeled the seven countries as failed states and terrorist safe havens.

Justice Department special counsel August Flentje
Justice Department special counsel August Flentje

They also ignored the statute in the Constitution that gave the President this explicitly worded privilege to do exactly what he did.

Luckily, the Trump Administration immediately signaled they’d be taking this ridiculous stay right to the Supreme Court.

The law used by President Trump is unambiguous and is clearly on the side of the Administration.

However, I would like to help the judges of the Ninth Circuit prove their flimsy argument that there is nothing inherently dangerous about any refugee coming from any of the seven temporarily banned countries.

Let's all go to Yemen!
Let’s all go to Yemen!

Therefore, I have started a Go Fund Me account to send each judge, plus two gays, two women, and two transgenders to the banned destination of their choice.

There, the judges can be wined and dined by the mullahs in Iran or the infiltrated ISIS terrorists in Yemen on an all-expenses paid trip to paradise. What could be more liberal and progressive than proving to the world how wonderfully tolerant these seven banned countries are?

While there, the judges can excuse ongoing atrocities against women, gays, Christians, and Jews as part of the Islamic culture and therefore unassailable. Perhaps judge Michelle Friedland can be fitted for a burka while enjoying the sights of the Seventh Century!

Should the judges not choose to vacation to one of the of seven countries on the travel ban list, I will be donating all proceeds of the GoFundMe to ACT for America, the anti-radical Islam organization started by Brigitte Gabriel.

In all seriousness, this continual Trump temper tantrum by the Left—in Hollywood, the media, sports, and the courts—is highly unproductive, and in the case of the Ninth Circuit, dangerous.

The second a terrorist is proven to have slipped through one of the seven countries on the travel ban list, all bets are off.

The court would have been wise to heed the law instead of once again inventing it. The security and safety of our country demands it.




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