The Leftist Goulash of the Women’s March

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Last Saturday we saw the culmination of the suffragette movement with grown women donning foam vaginas and “pussyhats” in a show of solidarity against President Trump. Or something.

You can say that again.
You can say that again.

The Women’s March, if you can call it that, was more of a filthy goulash of leftists. It was a conglomerate of Satanists, anarchists, illegal alien-coddlers, taqiyya-practicing Muslims, babykillers, grifters, Black Lives Matter terrorists, and the rest of the miscreant Left.

All of them descended upon cities where Hillary Clinton won by at least 70%. Quite a feat!

And what were these harridans complaining about? Nobody really knows. 

The modern suffragettes.
The modern suffragettes.

When asked, any one of these enlightened “womyn” would talk about bloody sheets, the right to kill an unborn baby at any stage of its gestation, and American flag hijabs. These seem to be the only agendas that unified these hyenas.

Madonna threatened to blow up the White House. Ashley Judd, who’s still not relevant, accused Donald Trump of wanting to molest his daughter. They all screamed F-bombs and every kind of hateful, divisive language known to man–all the while screeching that “love trumps hate.”

You're still not relevant, Ash.
You’re still not relevant, Ash.

So delusional are these women that pro-life women were expressly banned from having a presence at the rally.

Also, there was no mention of FOR REAL oppression which occurs in Muslim countries. For example: female genital mutilation, stoning, telling women how to dress (side note: the hijab promoters are truly a Special Kind of Stupid), or throwing gays and lesbians off roofs.

On the contrary, one of the organizers, a taqiyya-loving Muslim named Linda Sarsour actually promotes Hamas and radical Palestinian causes. Nothing like shoving the Muslim practice of lying to infidels right in their faces, Linda.

Radical Muslim-supporting, taqiyya-loving, Hamas princess Linda Sarsour, who helped organize the stew of leftists.
Radical Muslim-supporting, taqiyya-loving, Hamas princess Linda Sarsour, who helped organize the stew of leftists.

If asked, these unwashed moonbats said they can’t stomach a man who says he can grab women’s genitals at will. Surprisingly, they were not speaking of accused rapist Bill Clinton. Nor did they seem to grasp their supreme hypocrisy in their support of a woman who accepted millions from Muslim countries who routinely and ACTUALLY oppress women.

Joseph Stalin once famously called his comrades “useful idiots.”  Today’s liberals are full of obnoxious pretense but are every bit the useful idiots of old. They are unhinged and supremely unlikable. In other words, they are EVERYTHING I could have ever hoped for in an opposition.

Not so much unborn women, though. Sayin.
Not so much unborn women, though. Sayin.

Personally, I hope these women’s groups never stop with their special, demented form of Girl Power. They will continue to dig their political graves, and I will love every second of it.

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