Nothing screams “set up” quite like a quicky lawsuit right before you take your “permanently scarred” Muslim family to the Middle Eastern paradise known as Qatar.
And that’s just what little Ahmed Mohamed (a.k.a. Clockmed) and his family have done.
A few months ago, the civilized world was beset upon by this Muslim-activist family (whose father famously battled—or attempted to battle—renowned Muslim truth-teller Robert Spencer, and whose daughter was suspended from school three years earlier for making a bomb threat) with cries of “Islamophobia” after fourteen-year-old, innocent little Ahmed came to school with what looked like a suitcase bomb. But he said it was a clock! Because, you know, this is what we normally think of when we think of a clock.

Ahmed had no assignment to make such a “clock” and when he showed his science teacher said clock, the teacher wisely told Ahmed to leave the suitcase bomb clock in his classroom, because, duh: IT LOOKED LIKE A BOMB. Instead of listening to the sage advice of a teacher, Ahmed snuck out his money maker into another classroom, where his English teacher, alarmed, called administration who called police and then poor little Ahmed was taken in for interrogation because, DUH: IT LOOKED LIKE A BOMB.
Ahmed reportedly was quite glib, evasive, and basically a little smart ass when talking with police, yet eventually was released: but not before the Muslim asskissing media and leftists around the globe ran with the story. We were assured from the beginning that bombmaker perfect angel Ahmed Mohamed was simply a bright, eager student seeking to please a teacher, but because he was (DUM DUM DUM) Muslim, those eeeevil Islamophobes jumped to conclusions and assumed he was making a terrorist threat.
Your extortion plan is coming along brilliantly, Ahmed!
Leftwing hack activists and billionaires jumped into the fray and gifted Ahmed with tens of thousands of dollars, if not more, of computer equipment, electronics, a promise of a MIT scholarship and misplaced sympathy. Naturally, our president, a subscriber to the “let cooler heads prevail” mentality (it’s Opposite Day), piled on and invited Ahmed to the Washington, D.C. to—what? Meet some of his Muslim Brotherhood buddies he’s personally allowed in the White House numerous times? Grouse about America? Rejoice over the one of the most “beautiful sounds in the world”: the Msulim call to prayer? (Mind you: this president would never DREAM of inviting a war hero, the families of the Benghazi terror attack he covered up, or any decent American…but a Muslim kid who, along with his family, perpetrated a fraud? Step right up!)
As more facts emerged about this family’s dubious “woe is me, I’m a Muslim in America” past, the more collective side-eyes were dispensed, and with good reason. The Mohamed family said they could no longer live in a community where their beloved budding scientist had been so traumatized, so they were packing up and moving to….Qatar. (Your guess is as good as mine.)
“Bye, Felicia!” said America.
Ah, but a leftwing, race and/or religion hustler never lets a potential lawsuit go to waste.
On Monday, November 23, Ahmed and his family sent an extortion letter to the city of Irving, Texas and Irving ISD demanding they be given $15 million and groveling letters of apology for causing Ahmed so much suffering.
“As American citizens, all of us — even the ones with ‘Muslim-sounding’ names like Ahmed Mohamed — are entitled to have public officials with whom we come in contact to respect our rights,” a letter addressed to Mohamed’s former school district states.

Oh, I get it now. You see, we Americans should be so dhimmified, so afraid to offend a Muslim, that schools and school districts and people in general are supposed to look the other way when we see something suspicious. Isn’t this the same administration who urged everyone that if we “see something, say something” and who, under the guise of “zero tolerance” for violence in schools, promotes the suspension of first graders for eating a Pop Tart in a way to make it look like a pistol?
It’s only certain “protected classes” (like Muslims) who are allowed to bitch and moan when common sense and concern for public safety are outweighed by rampant political correctness. Let a Christian or a Jewish or an atheist or a pink or a polka-dotted or whatever student bring in the exact same “clock” under the exact same circumstances and see what happens to him or her. Guess what? The school would’ve done the exact same thing, and the media, Mark Zuckerberg, leftwing zealots, the Grievance Industry, and Barack Hussein Obama wouldn’t have said a word.
If Irving, Texas and Irving ISD gives this shuckster, lying, scam-artist family one single dime it will send a dangerous precedent: “See Something, Say Something” only applies to non-Muslims and all those fundamentalist, white Christians running around the world raping, genitally mutilating, forcing Christian conversions under penalty of death, blowing up civilians, crucifying, and beheading people in the name of Christianity, all while mass-chanting “Jesus Christ!” in Turkish soccer stadiums after terrorist attacks in Paris.
Oh wait—that doesn’t happen.
Carry on!