Democrat Priorities: a Primary Day Primer

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Hello voters. My name is Leticia Ramos–and you damn sure better roll that “R” in Ramos. I am the Director of Illegal Immigrant Outreach for the Democrat National Committee.

As a proud undocumented immigrant who hates all things America, continues to speak Spanish whenever possible, and thinks assimilation into American culture is racist, I urge you to vote for the Democrat on the ballot who truly represents the best of our party.

Our Great Leader, Tom Perez (roll that “r” in Perez)

Democrats have always stood for the little people. Not “little people” like on the TLC show “Little People, Big World”—but the marginalized and disenfranchised as defined by us.

We stand for people like the misunderstood, whiny anarchists in Antifa who spit on old ladies wearing MAGA hats; the raging black nationalists in Black Lives Matter who profit from invented police brutality; MS13 gang members who simply want a chance at the American Dream (even though that’s a racist construct); and of course, we stand for those brave individuals who must continually shove hormones into their bodies in order to use invented personal pronouns.

I promise you that Democrats’ priorities are keeping in line with you, the American– and illegal alien – voter.

Democrats love illegal aliens!

Democrats believe in appeasing all dictators. But appeasing Islamic dictators is a bonus.

After all, our First Black President Barack Obama paved the way. He bowed to Muslim leaders, treated Israel like garbage, negotiated the worst deal ever with the Iran nuclear deal, drew a red line in the sand with Syria and then took backsies on it, and blamed the Benghazi Muslim terror attack on a protest over a random video. Some small-minded conservatives claim our First Black President habitually lied about the threat of radical Islam–but they’re racist so who cares what they think.

In a perfect world….

And now a maniac like Donald Trump seeks to tarnish the reputation of our Nobel Peace Prize-winning First Black President by actually doing something about Iran–AND North Korea.

Democrats also believe in the dignity of every human life – except if you are a blob of tissue inside a woman’s body. Then, of course, your dignity isn’t that important to us.

We do, however, believe in the dignity of all uneducated, unskilled, poor, Third World people who break in to America to collect taxpayer benefits.

We believe in open borders and global citizenship. We believe that America is no better than any other country, yet people who escape hellhole countries have a right to be here.

Also, American taxpayers should willingly fork over their hard-earned money to people who sneak over the border and pop out babies, refuse to assimilate or learn English, and burden society. After all, who else is going to be our maids, gardeners, and nannies?

Sorry Kate. Your illegal alien killer has more rights than you.

We Democrats don’t believe in things like tax cuts. Just because 80 to 90% of American workers recently received a tax cut, a bonus, or a combination of both, doesn’t mean tax cuts actually work. Just because more companies are able to hire because of the corporate tax cut doesn’t mean tax cuts work. Just because overall unemployment is at 3.9 percent and black, Hispanic, and female unemployment is the lowest ever doesn’t mean tax cuts work. Just because more people have disposable income which benefits all sectors of the economy doesn’t mean tax cuts work.

And another thing. All you people with personal autonomy driving your cars are a major problem. We need more subways, monorails, bike paths, and carpool lanes. Ultimately, shoving everyone into tiny little apartments 40 stories high within 10 square miles is the goal. Only elites should be able to drive cars, ride in private planes, or own land because they’re the only people who really matter.

We love our Democrats!

The rest of you are mere polluters who are contributing to climate change (which idiot conservatives call “weather”). Just install a solar panel or twenty on top of your roof and stop complaining.

After all, those green jobs that our First Black President promised with taxpayer subsidies would be going gangbusters if Donald Trump hadn’t started eating babies, throwing puppies against the wall, and taken steps for energy independence.

Speaking of elites, only elites should be able to own guns. Unless you’re  in a gang in Chicago, New York, Los Angeles, or Baltimore–and then we will withhold guns from citizens so they can’t protect themselves from you.

Therefore, Democrats would like to urge all voters to vote against every individual interest you may have.

Whether that be safer communities, a secure border, a rational environmental policy, job stability, economic growth, return to American leadership on the world stage, keeping potential terrorists out of America, or the antiquated belief that there are only two genders–you must, as a good Democrat, vote against all of these things.

Peace be upon you, Muslims!

Democrats no longer think that white people are anything other than racist, bigoted, transphobic, xenophobic, Islamophobic, and homophobic Neanderthal piggy banks. (Caveat: whites who are professors of African-American studies, MSNBC and CNN anchors, LGBTQ liberals, or porn stars and their lawyers extorting Trump are acceptable.)

The modern Democrat priorities of appeasement, fourteen genders, open borders, drugs flowing in from Mexico, tax hikes, abortion on demand in all stages of pregnancy, high unemployment for all sectors (especially those evil white people), and elevation of illegal immigrants above American citizens must take root everywhere—not just on college campuses.

The Handmaid’s Tale is REAL, y’all. We must elect Democrats to stop those Christians!

We must look to the failed states in Latin America, the Soviet Union, and Africa in order to import their special brand of brain power and economic growth into America. We must look to Europe and their importation of as many Muslims as possible–which is causing Islamic balkanization–as a reachable goal for racist America.

Speaking of Muslims, we must realize the threat of radical Islam is not really a threat but an aberration. Never mind that by some estimates 10 to 25% of Muslims are radicalized – that’s just a white racist myth. As good Democrats know, our real enemies are practicing Jews and Christians. Muslims can do no wrong.

So, as you vote today, make sure you choose the Democrat who hates President Trump the most and who seeks to do the most damage to the American people. That’s our kind of Democrat, and that’s the kind of Congress we must elect.

Muchas gracias, comrades!

Y’all stay #woke, now, y’hear?



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