Black Lives Matter is a Terrorist Organization — Period.

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BREAKING: There is no systemic racism in America. 

There is systemic GASLIGHTING by the Democrats.

It was Democrats who created slavery, Jim Crow laws, segregation, and the KKK. They’ve RUINED inner cities, black families, the education system, and infect everything they touch.

Tearing down statues only makes it easier for them to repeat their history without you knowing it.

There is no doubt that the Democrat party, working with their paramilitary wing of antifa and Black Lives Matter, has one goal: to destroy America as founded. 

Black Lives Matter is a full-on terrorist organization that has been funded by the same people who fund antifa and other socialist/Marxist causes.

BLM, cheered on by our groupthink culture, think they are the most brilliant people in the room. They envision themselves as revolutionary thinkers who see systemic racism behind every corner, and a white hood in every closet. 

But yet, they are none of these things. They are dumb.

They are so dumb they have allowed the same corporations, academia, Hollywood, and the Democrat party to sell them, once again, a false bill of goods. 

The black community, by and large, has been hoodwinked.

Wearing African Kente cloth, Nancy Pelosi, Chuck Schumer, and other cuck Democrats knelt down in subservience to the racial terrorists of BLM. 99% of figures in corporations, academia, media, sports, and Hollywood are behaving like pandering cowards, mouthing words they think will assuage their “white guilt” and spare them from the coming guillotine. 

They mutter meaningless, obsequious phrases like “We fight against racial inequity because Black Lives Matter and Black Trans Lives Matter” and give upwards of $400 MILLION (!!!!) in around a month to BLM racehustlers. (Most of that money, of course, goes to salaries and “administration fees” and the rest is funneled through a far left SuperPAC called Act Blue. Coincidentally, Democrats and Joe Biden had their best fundraising quarter ever!)

The Democrats and the left are excellent at projection, and that’s exactly what they are doing here. They are projecting all of their sins onto conservatives and Republicans. They are projecting their lies and hate onto Normal America, who actually believes in what Dr. Martin Luther King, Jr. believed — to judge a person based on the content of their character, not the color of their skin. 

Leftists are gaslighting Normal America into believing THEY are the perpetrators of this “systemic racism” – not the people who have done everything to make black people subservient to the left since before the Civil War.

Like all revolutionary movements, this movement is not about black people. It’s about defunding the police in order to make black communities even LESS safe so that black people think they have nowhere else to turn but to Democrats. It’s about getting rid of Donald Trump, who is the one person who is been able to withstand the constant slings and arrows, and who poses a true existential threat to the Deep State. It’s about destroying America from within.

Like all revolutionary movements, it says one thing and does another. Like four years ago, right before the 2016 election, this latest upheaval has been done simply to blame white Republican America for the sins of Democrats.

After all, Democrats run almost every major city in America. They run the education system top to bottom. The police departments that racehustlers complain about are almost ALL run by Democrats — and elected by Democrats. Democrats who promised them 30 acres and a mule every two and four years have done nothing for them but ruin their families, communities, schools, and self-esteem. In return, Democrats have given black Americans scraps and lies.

Like all revolutionary movements, the leaders of BLM, antifa, and the left believe they are smarter than everybody else – and learn from absolutely nothing. George Orwell wrote 1984 in 1949, and Aldous Huxley wrote Brave New World in 1932. They saw very clearly what the communist Bolshevik Revolution in Russia had wrought, and they saw its sweep across the world as a terrifying harbinger. Read those novels today and you would swear you were reading about contemporary events. 

Like all revolutionary movements, BLM and the left are about incrementalism. As we are seeing now, their former incrementalism has dramatically shifted into immediate destruction.

First, it was: “Let’s destroy statues and murals that remind us of the confederacy before the Civil War.” 

Then it morphed into” “Let’s tear down all these monuments and statues with the Founding Fathers in them, because some of them were slaveowners.” 

And now: “We must remove ALL statues, monuments, murals, and books of any white person, black Uncle Tom, or any figure prominent in Western Civilization because THEY are the cause and root of all evil in our modern world.”

This is the stuff of the Taliban, al Qaeda, ISIS, the Nazis, communists, and every fascist/totalitarian movement since the beginning of time.

Like all revolutionary movements, the revolution has now begun eating its own. The same celebrities caterwauling and virtue signaling about their wokeness have now been #cancelled for doing decidedly nonwoke things years or even decades ago. 

I’m not in favor of anybody being canceled from society, because it’s insane and terribly destructive. But I did have a little schadenfreude when someone like my former “The Man Show” boss Jimmy Kimmel is canceled because of things he did 20 years ago when he dressed up as Karl Malone (a black NBA star) for a skit. 

Like all revolutionary movements, Black Lives Matter started out as one thing (the Big Lie of “Hands Up, Don’t Shoot” and Michael Brown) and now is clearly obviously something far more destructive. Their mission statement seeks to eliminate the nuclear family structure, defund all police, give reparations to blacks, destroy capitalism and the free market, and embark on a Marxist revolution that will complete Barack Obama’s “fundamental transformation.” In short, they seek to destroy America and rebuild it in their radical image. 

Sadly, our education system is so broken that woke trust fund babies (which looks to be about 70% of Black Lives Matter) screaming at black police officers have literally no idea what they are fighting for – because they’ve been taught detestable lies in our broken public (and private) schools. 

This leftist revolution is the opposite of our great American Revolution. The corporations, sports figures, celebrities, media, and professoriate class bending over and grabbing their ankles in submission to the mob will not stop the mob. 

As the 1% virtue signal about “systemic racism” at cocktail parties (safe in their gated communities swarming with private security), patting themselves on the back for “caring,” more black lives continue to be lost in America’s hard-left cities and states. 

For Black Lives Matter, only CERTAIN black lives matter, and those are the ones from who they can raise LOTS of money. 

What about the rest of the black lives that have been lost? 

To hell with them.

It’s the revolution that matters. 

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